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Posts posted by memawree

  1. Hello Biaria:

    Thank you for your prompt reply. I totally agree with you. I am thinking the weather in April will still require us to wear long pants and a shirt with long sleeves or a sweater. I am sure there is no problem there. I live in So. Florida, USA, and, we too have our episodes with misquitos. I am sure we will enjoy your beautiful home, and, those who are worried can stay on the ship and miss a real treat.

    Thank you again.


  2. Biaria: As we are planning to visit Maderia (Funchal) in April 2013, I just read a post written by one of the passengers that will be on our ship. He claims there is dengue fever in Maderia at this time. I am not really concerned as it is 5 months away, but, I feel that he may have put a damper on the rest of us planning to disembark in your lovely island. Do you think this would be a problem? I am really sorry to write to you with this question, but, I would like to calm the fears of other passengers.


  3. On our last slot pull, each person signed up and got a number. When it was their turn they put $15.00 in the machine, which was a $1.00 x 3 max. All winnings were left in the machine until the last player was done. The money was equally divided when we were done with the extra dollars reinvested in the same machine until we lost it all. I like the idea of giving the extra $$ to the biggest winner. Another thing, I agree about the mgr.fixing the machine if they know when you are going to show up. Another thing, bring crisp bills to put into the machine or get tokens before the pull.


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