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Posts posted by BamaRi1962

  1. 17% of US adults translates into a huge market opportunity, especially if those 17% feel they are not welcome on other mass market lines (e.g., not able to smoke on their balcony, which many seem to feel is a "must have").


    Given HAL's inaction to date, it seems their management may well be aware of this and perhaps are even benefiting from it.


    A very valid point.

  2. I don't think that there are sufficient smokers to warrant (reserving) half the balconies on a ship... although I've been on a couple of cruises that seemed that way!




    Obviously I was speaking generally. Reserve a section. Problem solved. Or, better yet, dedicate one entire ship to the smokers. I know we'd love to avoid the derision, and I'm sure you'd love not having your olfactory offended.

  3. So you think that it makes good business sense for HAL to cater to 1/4 of the population while alienating 3/4 of the population? Somehow I think this will change at some point. I do sympathise with smokers having less and less places where they can freely smoke these days, but just about every major city now has stringent smoking laws. I would like to see HAL abolish balcony smoking but give smokers an indoor area which is well ventilated, as well as the existing smoking area on the aft Lido.


    It's very good business to include everyone who wishes to cruise. I highly doubt 3/4 of the population feel alienated by smokers. I doubt 3/4 of the population are petulant or puerile in their judgement of others. I believe it is a very small, yet vocal, minority who have chosen to be militantly anti-tobacco. After all, it's vogue at this time to be so, and a small group of the population would rather die than be seen as not in vogue.


    That politicians are feverishly working to curtail the freedom of some citizens really has nothing to do (yet) with HALs policies. Actually, on the one hand, I appreciate those puritans who have forced me outside....fresh air and sunshine! I am healthier because of it. I haven't been sick in years.


    It is my hope that HAL does not abolish balcony smoking. Personally, I see it as a silly suggestion. Rather, I'd like for all cruise lines to simple make one side of the ship for smokers, and the other side for others. This would solve the bulk of issue.

  4. Here is the initial post for thie thread. Please note the portion highlited in red.


    Posts discussing the health issues of smoking are off topic because Cruise Critic is a cruising forum, not a health or pro- or anti- smoking forum. This topic is about HAL's on board smoking policies.


    Thank you, Walt.


    I love Holland's line, because they let me be me. I appreciate the fact they recognize the 1/4 of the adult population who yet smoke...also enjoy taking cruises. I am so glad my money is just as important to them as the others.


    Thanks, HAL, for being the supreme cruise line!

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