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Posts posted by Allweneedismoney

  1. Just have fun there are all sizes and shapes from size 2 to 22 end everybody is having a great time. Besides the chances of seeing any of those people again is slim so let loose. Just a reminder that even thought the ship is moving and there is always a breeze take car with sunscreen I have seen too many people with sunburns that really put a damper on fun.

  2. I think one your paid in full the only option is upgrading the room I just called my cruise consultant and was told that the only thing available is a mini she told me that in reality it's just a extra large balcony I already have a spa balcony which gives me unlimited access to the spa so to stay put and maybe a spa suite will be available before we sail I can only hope. I gave used the same consultant for 5 years so history helps.

  3. My wife uses Bonine it works really well but she only uses a half a pill because a whole pill puts her to sleep. It's easy to tell if a ship is heading to rough waters because all of a sudden there are green apples around the ship

  4. It appears you and your wife are very proud of you call to duty so wear you uniform with pride. On these dress up days pictures are taken around the ship maybe one will strike you both as worth the expense. My wife and I try to get one picture for the memory. Sincere thanks to you and your family for everybody's commitment and sacrifice.

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