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Posts posted by franklin7425

  1. This is another "to each their own" topic when it comes to maple syrup. My family loves pancakes, french toast, etc. I was up in the French River, Ontario, Canada and purchased a gallon of pure maple syrup. Thought I would be a hero. Everyone, including DW spit it out and demanded that I bring back the Aunt Jemima's. Ended up pouring the real stuff down the slop sink.

  2. I think a responder is wrong, claimed RCL seats people of like age at tables in the MDR. Just off the Oasis. It was our 25th anniversary celebration cruise. We were seated with three other couples. One celebrating their honeymoon, one, their first anniversay and one couple getting married next year. All were very nice but all were at least 30 years younger than DW and I. Lots in common (not). Bring on anytime dining, RCL. Can't wait!!!

  3. Seems to be an anti-gambling slant to these responses. everyone spends their $ the way they want. Some buy booze, some eat in the upscale restaurants, some rent cabanas on the islands and...some people gamble. I have been lucky in the ship casinos. I hit $1000.00 two cruises in a row on Wheel of Fortune. Do I go in planning on winning, certainly not but it can and does happen. To each their own!!! To the OP, try it, enjoy it and good luck!

  4. I have sailed in NCL, RCCL, Princess and Carnival. My family and I have very much enjoyed every cruise we've been on. I would rank them:

    1. NCL

    2. Princess

    3. RCCL

    4. Carnival


    NCL wins for best food and friendlies staff. Princess is second because they have the best pool areas and best sea day experience. RCCL wins with their fleet of very different ships and Carnival just gave us an overall good time the two times we sailed with them.

    I guess what i'm trying to say is that its vacation...enjoy!!!

  5. I can't believe what I'm reading here. It's not our business what the contract the workers sign says. A tip is an acknowledgement of a job well done. The DSC, in my opinion, doesn't begin to compensate the stewards for what they do for YOU!!. Skip three or four drinks over the course of a one week cruise and slip your guy or gal a $50.00. They deserve it and you know it!

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