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Posts posted by hudson0003@gmail.com

  1. I'm gay but I don't cross dress but man I was so mad one night being told to go change when going to the steak house on a carnival ship for wearing long shorts if I had a cute mini skirt and heels onboard I would have changed into that instead of changing into long pants just to say humph! right back at the maître d...some of the ladies were wearing the same thing! Only when they wear them they're called "capris" and their flip flops are called "sandals" or "flats". I looked better than the women did but I had to go and put pants on. You go right ahead and wear whatever the heck you want!


    You should have!


    I have been told by several women they are jealous of my legs in general, then when they see then jacked up on heels and butt popped out... they get even more pea green with envy ... LOL I still need to go dress shopping ... IDK what I want to wear...

  2. This is one subject that I was wondering when it would appear.

    I do not cross dress and have always been amazed by those that do....and not in a costume clownish way...but serious down to the finest detail. I have seen on Atlantis and RSVP cruises the outlandish over the top outfits and garrish make up, but not the pass for the opposite gender serious dresser.

    Although I do not understand it and its not mine to undersatnd, I gotta give credit to those that venture out into public....that takes big ----.


    Einsam....will look for you on the Rio cruise...from your description I guess you will be easy to spot. Will you be going for the Evita look....I would think there will be a few other passengers dressing in this fashion, or for those of us of another generation....Carmen Miranda....

    All I can say is have fun and enjoy.


    The one thing that escapes me is that with all the gay charters and specialty cruises annually, no tour company has ever scheduled a cross dressing cruise. With all the open and closeted cross dressers, you would think you could fill up a charter. Even makeup companies could provide classes, product consignments etc. Heaven knows it would provide freedom for a week to those whose hobbies or way of life centers around cross dressing.

    Imagine the competition on board......Alexis and Crystal duke it out with hair, nails, or gowns........what fun for the passengers.



    Yeah, maybe with the more visibility in the trans community something will happen.

  3. I am just considering for one formal night dinner. It's a tradition for my birthday, and since this is a birthday cruise ... why not, right? Technically, my birthday would be the week before, but ehhhhhhhh, who's counting right?

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