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Posts posted by Johngela13

  1. Just a note to say thank you to everyone who responded. We weighed up everyone's comments and have decided on the Intro to Rome excursion. It is the only organised one we intend to do (all the other ports are easily accessible to the respective towns).


    Since we did this holiday as last minute sneaky break we are just awaiting our cabin number now (it literally has cost us half what we paid last year for the other half of the last cruise but this time we have no window, no idea when we will eat - but at least we are getting a spring break).


    Cross your fingers for us please and hope it isn't next to lifts, anchors or laundy

  2. I think it's human nature to be quick to complain but slow to compliment. It's the same in the workplace; if I criticise it might be considered constructive or negative / positive, if I compliment I am a kiss a**


    Sad but true :(

  3. We saved £1800 by taking my daughter out of school for the 3 days that lead up to the Scottish school hols (Started 10th Oct for a forthright last year) and by driving down to Newcastle to catch Thomsons flight - package hol to Florida - I am absolutely not exaggerating. This was compared to identical holiday flying on the 10th from Edinburgh / Glasgow.


    Anyway, she was sick for those 3 days .....


    I was under the impression that the P&O school hols flag was more to advertised that these were child friendly hols? My daughter was with us one of these last year and there was no more than a dozen children on board even then - as a consequence she got lots of prizes in the kids club - she was one of only 2 teens that attended.


    Anyway, she is old enough to stay at home now and is working...


    Whoop second holiday child free for hubby and I :)

  4. I took my first cruise last year and it was also my first opportunity to see my Husband in black tie - it was tremendous. We also had great fun learning to tie a bow tie prior to going.


    I wore a full length dress for the first time and there we were in our cabin, with a cocktail or two, with me fastening said bow tie - in my head we were James Bond and a glamouress Bond girl - fantastic experience :cool:


    I'm getting ready for next months cruise now, our second. I am trawling through EBay for petite length slide 12 ball gowns so I can have the pleasure of 2 'new to me' (I.e. Pre loved) dresses for our two formal nights - even more special when I can get things so cheaply that I need only wear them once and then resell them:D


    The other thing we particularly loved that I understand is unique to P&O is the Great British Sailaway. At times I am ashamed to be British, such as football hooliganism etc, so I thoroughly enjoy the rousing sing song of British prom type songs that remind me how great a nations we are.


    We are two relatively well paid middle England (but living in Scotland) 50 year olds and P&O suits us just fine. Roll on the next 50 years full of cruising :)

  5. Hi All


    We left auto tipping on last year as it keeps things simple and stops us forgetting to tip less obvious service providers - cleaners etc. We also carry very little cash in any case but would have a little available should we need it to reward service above and beyond our expectations.


    However, I would suggest that some employees may lose out where it is added to their salaries since it will be taxable, whereas cash tips 'squirrelled' away will be deduction free.


    Nonetheless we will enable auto gratuity this year and will be unlikely to add additional and will definitely not feel pressured by those with envelopes. Stand firm in sticking to whatever you prefer as it is your right. I do not tip my hairdresser either as he probably earns more than I in any case (he is the salon owner lol). I tip 10% in restaurants in Europe provided the service is reasonable and 20% in the USA for good service, as I understand that this is the norm and that wages in these countries and sectors reflect this expectation.


    Roll on Genoa:)

  6. Hi All


    New to the forum but did our first cruise, Genoa to Venice, last year and loved it so much we are doing the other half of the cruise this year, Venice to Genoa.


    Our main aim is to relax so will tend to get shuttles in port and then just wander. However, we have not visited Rome before so are wondering if it is worth signing up for a full guided tour - 9 hours!!!


    We are fit and mobile and mid aged, I.e mobility, heat, are not a problem, it is just the thought of 9 hours of travel, queues, crowds!


    Is Rome really worth the trouble or should we take advantage of a near empty ship and hit the spa? Is there anything else nearby that is worth a visit.


    All advice and all opinions appreciated as I know it is a subjective matter.


    Thanks in anticipation



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