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Posts posted by sillylizzie

  1. We are currently staying at the Old San Juan Sheraton & have been extremely happy with it. It is VERY clean and convenient to great good, shopping and nightlife.


    We stayed at the Hotel Milano about 9 years ago when we were in PR and were happy with that as well. The o Love you! Reason we didn't return was that it was a bit dated then and on this trip we were planning to be in the hotel a bit more. That being said we walked by Hotel Milano today on our way to a museum and it looked the same from the outside as it did back then. Very well maintained with friendly staff outside.


    I don't think I completely answered your question, but hope I helped a bit.


    Have a great trip!

  2. I just finished Mudbound by Hillary Jordan (winner of the Bellwether Prize for Fiction), and it was great. The writing was amazing, similar to the Kite Runner & The Samurai's Garden in terms of style. It's set in the south, post WWII, and is a great & fast read. I definitely recommend it.


    And for those who like memoirs, I also read Lucky Man, by Michael J. Fox. This was also an amazing book. It's written with great wit, and isn't only about his battle with Parkinson's. He also talks about his family, being a rising star in Hollywood, and about his upbringing in Canada.

  3. I'll suggest anything by Gail Tsukiyama, she's an amazing writer.

    Also if you're into comedy, David Sedaris is pretty funny. AS well as Dan Savage, who's written a couple of books.

    And if you're into darker stuff, Chuck Palahniuk is always a good bet.

    I'll also second the person who suggested Dan Brown. Good, fast, entertaining reads.

  4. Sillylizzie...... Thanks for the info, I ordered one last nite ! should be here by Monday at the latest. I took your recomendation and went ahead and ordered from Amizon.


    Thanks, sillylizzie! My DS works part-time at Barnes and Noble. I'll ask him if he can find a copy for me. I've done the postcard thing for quite a while, but I think having all our cruise experiences in one place might be really nice.


    No problem. That's why I got it originally - I liked that it had room for everything inside - esp. the place for the itinerary.

  5. I want to look at the one that sillylizzie mentioned tho it sounds like it is alot nicer than the one that I have.


    If you'd like I can take & email (or try and post) photos. Let me know if you're still interested.

  6. I use a travel journal bought from Amazon. [http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/tg/detail/-/0811824977/qid=1121697986/sr=8-1/ref=pd_bbs_1/104-1111358-7751105?v=glance&s=books&n=507846]

    It's great and inside has a wonderful place for itinerary, sketches, food enjoyed and more. It has a ship motf inside and some fun little facts. For example, it has a drawing of all the nautical flags, as well as a time zone map, mariners compass (with explanation/write up about it) and more.

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