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Posts posted by NEBtravelguy

  1. The Tour we took with Edgar Tour group 3/19,2016 was excellent and his employees did a great job. The van was comfortable, everyone was on time, the driver was very careful. Our tour guide (sorry, I do not remember his name} spoke clearly and loudly and his English is excellent. He provided us with information about the city, current events, environmental concerns as well as the hot topics of tourist gossip and information. The trip into the park was quick followed by many great photo opportunities. In weather started out with a little drizzle but then cleared up to a cool and eventually dry day. The lunch (not included) with bathroom break was well timed. The Gift Shop at the lunch stop was WAY over priced. The trip to the Post Office at the End of the Earth was a treat. We were also well taken care of in town where the guide happily helped us find a reputable money changer and then accommodated our different small group needs and let us off the van to go our separate ways. We had plenty of time to tour the city and to do some quality shopping. Edgar is a dedicated business owner and followed up on our tour experience. I would highly recommend this company and definitely want to thank our fellow passengers Barbara and Norm for their extensive research on Cruise Critic and and for sharing with us this excellent company.

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