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minimaid 1

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Posts posted by minimaid 1

  1. We like to stop at a Costco or Wahlgreen;s by a port and buy economy box or pack of snack bags (Cheezits or whatever). They don't let you bring unbagged unwrapped food off the ship in almost all ports so it's good to have something while on an excursion or in port.


    You do want your 2 bottles of wine which you are allowed.


    I like to bring a small battery powered alarm clock which has glow in the dark hands so I know what time it is in the middle of the night. The cabins do get dark. Most likely you will be charging your cell phone at the desk so it;s no use to you then. Of course you can get auto wakeup call in the AM.


    I like to bring a light weight plastic rain parka.especially in the Caribbean. Cruise Critic sells some good ones but CVS sells just thin plastic ones which are good enough.


    I also recommend getting a day size back pack which comes in handy to tote your stuff in port with. but that;s just me.


    Like to put sea pass card on a lanyard and have them punch a hole in card . I noticed they started selling these good lanyards in a place right after you check in for about $8-10. To me well worth it. They can punch a hole in card there or at Guest Services on board.


    Get extra sunscreen at drug store before boarding.Like posters have said they charge a lot for this on board. I also bring Bonine which I like over all the other stuff for sea sick remedy. It doesn't make you drowsy.


    DW likes to bring Tide cleaning stick for getting small stains out.


    I like to bring 2 swim suits so I can wear one while the other is drying. Also so I can use one in the ocean (if in Caribbean) and save one for the pool.


    Bring a good attitude. Not everything will be perfect and you should not let little piddling stuff ruin your positive outlook and your cruise experience. .Don't be a Wendy Whiner. Some people like to complain and think they are showing how "cruise sophisticated' and "cruise savy" they are. Just Don't. The crew bends over backwards to make things right for you and anyone who abuses the crew is just plain rude and offensive.


    Bring a good stack of singles. You will need them for tipping at pier, at hotel in taxi, on board for room service delivery etc.


    Of course hat and sunglasses.


    Some people like magnets to hold Daily Planner to cabin walls (which are metal).


    You need good walking shoes (tennis shoes). Nuff said.


    You would be surprised how handy a couple of pens are. I throw in a couple of small spiral notebooks (3x4) to keep track of daily expenses like what you've bought in port and on ship so you can control things from day to day.


    The days of formal dressing are over. I don't even bring a jacket anymore.


    Enjoy your cruising days.

    A friendly smile & a happy disposition
  2. Hi guys...some first Celebrity cruise questions if you don't mind?

    On embarkation day are all the restaurants/cafes open as our boarding time is 12noon? How long does it normally take to get our cases to our cabin? We are on Deck 9?

    When gambling in the casino how are the chips paid for and if you are lucky enough to win either on the slots or the gaming tables how are the winnings paid out?

    And anymire advice for a first time Celebrity cruise would be greatly appreciated.


    Hi Minnie 29,

    We are also from Cornwall and due to travel for the first time with Celebrity & on Eclipse in March 2018 to the Caribbean ! Have a wonderful holiday & let us know how it goes :cool:

  3. I have to hold my hands up here ! Leaving a restaurant on the coast,

    having consumed a fair amount of wine ( in my defence !! ) I remarked to my husband about that someone must be opening & closing their curtains or something. He groaned ( not for the first time !! ) & polnted out that it was the lighthouse on the other side of the bay !!! AND I am not even a tourist, I live here by the coast ( there really is no hope !! )

  4. We were in Horseguards parade in London when an American lady approached one of the guards on horseback & asked to borrow his sword for a photo.

    Unable to converse as he was on duty, he resorted to firmly shaking his head several times as she continued to ask. Eventually she went far too close as if to take it & he said very loudly "stand away " She jumped out of her skin !

  5. Hi,

    We are flying from the uk to Miami for for a 14 day cruise around the Caribbean on Celebrity Eclipse in March 2018. We know that we have to leave the ship really early when we arrive back in Miami and our flight back to the U.K is really late that night ! We would really welcome suggestions & advice for an enjoyable day in Miami & advice about luggage storage etc. Thank you !


    Bill & Sue :)

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