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Posts posted by elaw68

  1. My advice, enjoy! On a selfish note, what cabin number? I have a JS on deck 10 for next spring and have been watching almost every post about Adventure. In case you didn't know she is going in for a refurbishing in October, so a lot of us would love if you report back how it went.



    I believe it's 1628 on deck 10. On the hump!



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  2. .Loved Adventure. We were on her the last 2 years in April. Nothing at all to complain about. For one, we love the itin. 2 my hubby loves the promendade. Love the ice show. All was fantastic.



    Thank you!



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  3. We were last on Adventure 2 years ago. We love her we have been on both itineraries and would do either in a heartbeat. We loved Giovanni's Table. Beware the lemon cello, it makes you loose your state room. MDR had great service.



    Lol. Is that a drink???



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