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Posts posted by sam1148

  1. Looks like we'll have to add Disposable Gloves to the lists of things to bring on a cruise.


    In fact it might be a good idea for the cruise line to supply those at the start of a buffet line, as the tongs for self service are probably a big issue in transmission. Along with rummaging through silverware.


    Also the self serve drink station could be an issue.

    You handle the cup..and then touch the cup the switch...finish the drink and do it again. Then the next person does the same.

    Use a napkin between that switch and the cup, and put up a sign telling people do that.


    Elbow switches and automatic doors on the bathroom could help too.

  2. Ditto! Nothing like carrying a library with you in one flat package!! :D


    I really wanted a kindle. But the Digital Rights Management bothers me. If you OWN a book you can keep it forever..lend it out..donate it..etc.


    With DRM the book has to verified periodically Via Amazon's servers to authorize playing on the device your using.


    I just wonder how long an investment in dozens of book would last before Amazon decides not to support their servers and your library is worthless.

    Or the inevitable technology change and corporate decides not to pay for up keep of authorizing servers. Do you still use VHS tapes? At lest those didn't have to 'phone home' to have them play.


    It's happened before..I think wal-mart did digital music with DRM a few years back and then decided to shut down their DRM services...results was all the music purchased through them was useless unless the user burned them to CD. (citation).

  3. Thanks so much aggieastrosfan!!!!

    What about bring alcohol on board? Is it possible? I'm talking about some beer and one bottle of Jack Daniels?


    Only in checked luggage. Bottled beer would be more a packing problem, as would all things in glass. Like Jack. Most people here recommend 'rumrunner flasks" plastic soft side flasks. You can even put those in carry on at port for re-fills...just carry it in your pocket...or bag the risk will be less with the soft flasks as they don't show up as "Bottle of booze" on the xray.


    One year took a back pack equipped with a 'camel bak' water system and filled that up with rum at ports. However the plastic in those aren't graded for alcohol..so you'd have to remove it to a bottle on-board..or end up with plastic tasting booze.

  4. I bring a small flashlight for emergencies. I brought a cooler once and it was useless. It leaked. If you have a fridge in your cabin just have the room steward unlock it for you.It will keep your stuff cool but not cold. I always bring a mug so I just use ice and pour my drink in it.



    Mine leaks too. But you can get them with inserts, which don't leak. I which I could find a 6 pack leak proof cooler, because that's the thing I use most.


    We stay in the cabin a lot..and the ice bucket just doesn't hold ice long enough.

    Especially in the morning or late night when I just want some juice I bring and don't feel like calling and waiting for 'ice service'.

  5. The SO's mother is a seasoned traveler and we got her these 'twist' rain hats that she actually uses in her 'one bag packing', which says a lot.


    I'm thinking about a motion activated LED night night for the bathroom so I don't wake up anyone up at night..or maybe some of those electronic tea-candles just to keep by the bedside and use on the balcony.


    And of course the small softside cooler is a must have along with the Ipod dock and speaker.

  6. From Carnival's FAQ: Are There Restrictions on What We Can Bring Aboard?

    VCRs/Nintendo/Play Units: These items cannot be utilized on board because of the incompatibility of the units with the stateroom televisions. http://www.carnival.com/CMS/FAQs/What_NOT_to_Pack.aspx



    I've heard various people saying that the newer ships have AUX inputs accessible on the front panel. YMMV. But that's their official word, but some ships might be more accommodating.


    The TV's in the state rooms usually have the "AUX" ports disable (well missing on the remote). So as not to have another guest checking in not being able to watch normal TV without a call to engineering.


    How old is the kid? There are some kids clubs on board that offer Wii and others..and of course there's always the arcade.

  7. I Loooove Sedaris, but would be cautious reading him in public. You will laugh out loud- and often!



    Sedaris is much better in audio book form. His delivery is spot on.



    I had an aquantiance that went to his readings and the book singing.


    He said "I was reading your book and laughing, then I started coughing..and laughing..then I threw up"


    Sedaris signed his book. "You make me throw up too".


    I also second "Skinney Dip" for cruise book....get a audio book version and pod it up for bed time stories. Sedaris is best for that..as his audio are short essays..and great in audio format.

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