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Posts posted by Ambizzle

  1. Hey Everyone


    Slightly specific question, but does anyone have any guidance as to whether it is best to proceed to the Latitudes Priority section to check in on arrival and then wait on wheelchair service, or skip that entirely and just wait for the wheelchair? Is it an either one or the other process? 


    The last time I travelled with my elderly Dad, the check in for wheelchairs in Miami was on the lower level as soon as you enter. We did not go to the upper level until he was sat in a wheelchair, so we never utilised the priority boarding. 


    This time, we're sailing out of NYC on the Joy. I don't know what exactly is the correct procedure re: embarkation in these circumstances. 


    Grateful for any suggestions/comments. 


  2. Hey everyone


    I cannot really find much information about this when searching. I understand that the Premium Plus package includes bottled water, but is it an actual bottle, i.e. a glass bottle, or do they mean the odd tasting carton water, Flow? 


    Can anyone who has been on an NCL cruise recently confirm if bottled, still water is available? Like Acqua Panna, or Evian etc? 


    As in, can I get an actual glass bottle of water at the bars? Or is that only in restaurants? Or no glass bottles at all, just Flow?


    I upgraded to the FAS+ so I’m trying to figure out if I would be able to get some bottles of water to take back to my cabin for the night. 


    Grateful for any responses. 

  3. On 7/23/2023 at 10:41 AM, shof515 said:

    i been to a few these ports myself. here is a quick map i draw up to help you with this:


    Bus area is to the left of the cruise terminal building, off the side kind of like:




    The gangway can be long. Buses is in the parking lot area near the Visitor center



    Halifax: Right in front of the terminal building



    Sydney: Bus is in the parking lot near the ship



    Charlottetown: Similar to Portland, Buses is the parking lot near the entrance of the terminal building. can be a long walk



    I am so so so so so so SOOOOOO extremely grateful!!!!!!! 

    Thank you x millions! 

    This is absolutely perfect. I am eternally indebted. 

    I cannot thank you enough!

  4. Hey Everyone 


    I’m taking my Dad who’s 73 and slightly mobility restricted on a New England/Canada cruise on the NCL Joy on the 4th September. He can walk, but not for very long distances.


    Can anyone who has ever been to either of these ports: Boston, Portland, Halifax, Sydney, Charlottetown, Cornerbrook and Quebec City - please let me know long and/or far the walk from the ship to boarding a tour bus is? 


    I’m looking at the panoramic tours which I know are limited walking compatible, but I do not know if it’s a tough journey to reach the busses. The last cruise in the Caribbean we did, the walk down the Pier was quite a lot and he may not be able to handle that. 


    I’d be very grateful for any information on how these ports are set up. 

    Thank you!

  5. Hi everyone 


    I would appreciate if any of you seasoned Celebrity cruisers could help me with a query I have. 

    When I booked, I booked the “All inclusive” experience with a Concierge cabin. I understand that includes the classic drinks package. 

    I don’t really drink alcohol, but I love water. I don’t see the need to upgrade to the premium package as I wouldn’t drink the top shelf alcohol, but I am interested in the bottled water. 

    My question is, is it possible to combine the classic drinks package with the zero proof package? Can you have both? 

  6. Hi everyone.


    I have never sailed on Celebrity so please forgive my ignorance. 


    When booking, I chose a Concierge Class cabin with the “All Included” offer. 


    I wanted to upgrade the Wifi, and possibly the drinks package, but I’m not sure if the base tier of either the drinks or Wifi is on my booking? Attached please find a copy of my invoice. Unfortunately, I’m not too sure I understand how to read it? 


    I’d appreciate if anyone can confirm if I did, in fact, book the “All Included” fare. 


    I tried calling Celebrity, but I live outside of any toll inclusive areas so I have to pay international toll rates. The last time I called, I was on hold for over an hour. The call was dropped and I was never able to reach an agent. I would be most grateful if someone with a little experience on reading these invoices can let me know what it says. 


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