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Posts posted by MrSerbious

  1. This thread.


    WOW! up tight?



    There's a small, or actually large issue that seems to be overlooked.


    When booking a balcony you need to realize one thing right off the bat: you'll have neighbors. Not only will you have neighbors but you'll have neighbors in extreme proximity to you.


    In short, you've "rented" a extremely small studio apartment with neighbors usually less than two arms length away to the left, right, above and below.


    It's a well known fact the walls are more or less paper thin. Our first and last inside room allowed us to hear our neighbors failed 3 hour attempt at intimacy, from 12am till 3am.


    Did we cry about it? NO!! Why?


    Because if we had a condition of zero disturbances we would have sprung for a higher end room, or not put ourselves on a ship where booze flows freely and people are letting loose ( you know, vacation? )


    Simply put, you and thousands of others are crammed together as tightly as possible into a large floating apartment complex.


    I've seen responses saying "go to the pool deck if you want music."


    First problem, what if the pool deck isn't playing what we want to hear? Why can't we enjoy nice background music while enjoying the sites/drink etc from the balcony we paid for? If you have an expectation of relaxation, are we not allowed the same?


    Secondly, what if we are with a group of people (and we have been twice now ) who want to enjoy our company with background music? Most pool deck bands don't really allow for casual conversation. Not to mention I've seen complaints about people playing thier own music over the supplied pool deck music.


    Why can't you find another area of the ship to have "quiet time"? I wouldn't even think of asking you to go elsewhere.


    We discovered on the ship we cruise most, aft has an actual "quiet" area. Never crowded, people reading, napping.


    The statement seen over and over again "it's outrageous and rude to not use headphones/earphones/earbuds while listening to your music on YOUR balcony"


    Again, you only need two people ( my long time girlfriend and myself ) to make this not feasible. We're there to enjoy each other's company while relaxing.


    It's not lost on me how musical tastes can vary and will almost always exacerbate the issue. If 24/7 quiet is required you took the wrong vacation.


    I think you'll find MOST people who are enjoying music comfortably on THIER balcony do so for reasonable amounts of time, and at reasonable hours. There will be outliers.


    You're not entitled to 24/7 peace and quiet, as much as those playing music are not entitled to play music at unreasonable volumes and hours, regardless of the genre.


    If 100% silence it's a requirement of a vacation, you really should consider another form of vacationing. Camping in the middle of a state forest might suit your needs. Never came across a tree holding a Bluetooth speaker blasting "to legit to quit"


    Consideration should be applied by both sides. I feel it's perfectly acceptable to ask the music to be turned down if it's blasting. Hopefully most people would comply, likely not aware the music was that loud. Likewise you ( anyone ) should be more tolerant in reverse.


    Lastly there is a lot of "me me me" A lot of unrealistic expectations here. I'll agree 100000% you have the right to enjoy your vacation. Obviously, you paid for the room. Scrimped and saved ( or haven't )and this should be refreshing for you.


    Realize it's not all about you. 1000's of other people have also scrimped, saved ( or not ) to relax just as you want to.

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