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Posts posted by bhowell1972

  1. Just had to renew my Alabama DL and they only give paper copy and it has my picture on it, leave in 2 weeks and there is a small chance hard copy won't be here. Is this valid paper ID plus my original BC going to work? One Carnival guy said NO it won't work then others say YES it will? How do I get a real answer? No time for passport either. Any info would be great! Leaving out of Mobile!

  2. OK I'm new at this and you seem to have great info so....is it cheaper to just get off boat grab a taxi and pay to get into these beach clubs on your own or would it benefit using an independent company that you pay for ahead of time which I can see seems to be much cheaper than with the ship itself. Looking for decent beach snorkeling for 2 boys and maybe some beach fun, food and drinks for me and the husband!

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