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Posts posted by PlatinumLatitudes+

  1. Well...


    The last few posts really resonated what I've been thinking since I began following this thread... Folks should really only depend on two sources of advice regarding all your booking & cruise needs... Your cruise company or/and your TA.


    Threads like this are just topically related, and more often than not, the entire A-Z will have lacked somewhat in passing from the actual event, to post, which is no big deal, the problem is though, how seriously some people take it.


    I for one, see it interesting, but not something that I find altogether that important, but each to their own!


    People who pay for their inside cabins/balcony/suites etc outright for their cruise holiday have exactly what they paid for.


    Those who can, or wish to bid to upgrade have to accept it's a lottery of variables which will always be case dependant...


    It's not clear cut, there's no real strategy to it, and no certain outcome.


    You win your bid, fantastic, you don't, well sure nothing ventured, nothing gained!


    Hopefully your cruise holiday will be the highlight of your year either way...


    My 10 cents.

  2. Is this just something for US passengers? I haven't heard of this for UK.


    Definitely is available to the UK, I believe it was rolled out in the spring of this year...


    One thing I can confirm personally is it will not matter if you book with NCL directly or a TA, the upgrade Invitation will be sent out to you, I can say that with certainty, as I booked through a TA (first time, 7 cruises!) & received the Invitation directly from NCL, via email, and 'Let's get you upgraded' is visible on myncl homepage/account also.


    It's not just NCL Latitudes members that get an invite, a first timer can bid - and have success.


    It doesn't necessarily have to be a high bid to succeed, judging by previous posters.


    It is only an opinion, but I believe it's along the lines of cabins that are resellable to NCL, (Mid ship inside sail away) later re sold at a higher rate, depending on interest in the category, bids on cabins a grade or two higher atop of the original fee paid, and a resell profit, makes it a win win, for both NCL & bidding passengers.


    Of course, it will always be ship dependant...


    It's each to their own to participate or not, I find it interesting, it's definitely not as cut and dry as higher bids only win...

  3. Hi all -


    Sailing in November on Spirit, booked a GTY at an unreal low price in July , assigned room 3 days after, midship inside deck 6, happy as can be, as we only spend time in cabin to sleep or shower, we got the invite to upgrade to Balcony or Oceanview 80 days out, initial minimum bids seemed higher than previous posts have mentioned regarding the same category, noticed 84 days out inside was all but sold, curious about who gets selected, or why, and how many cabins are in the pool to bid on... Again I must agree with others, I doubt lower bids are favoured over the higher ones...

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