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Posts posted by mamb

  1. We have far more then 1000 days on cruise ships, and (knock on wood) have never been a victim of Norovirus, influenza, or any other serious onboard illness (DW has had her share of so-called Cabin Cough). Our prevention methods are relatively simple. We both wash our hands (with warm soap and water) as often as practicable, we avoid elevators (as much as possible) which are simply enclosed chambers where you cannot escape a cougher, and we try to avoid sitting near anyone who is obviously sick or a major cougher. And finally, we try to keep reminding ourselves not to touch our faces.




    Basic stuff,,,,,easy to do......and a way to reduce your chances of getting any infection.








    Thanks Hank for the best reminder of all: don’t touch your face, if you can avoid it, because that’s how germs enter our bodies most effectively. And “germs” are everywhere of course, on any surface touched by many, and concentrated around crowds of people. This is a natural part of our human ecosystem which a healthy immune system deals with well in most cases. However there’s no doubt whatever, scientific research shows, that washed hands (often!) reduce the risk of infection, and just as important, slow the transmission to others. And those with weaker immune systems than ours are therefore at greater risk for “catching” and spreading a bout of whatever it is that’s abundant at the time, eg. norovirus.

    So think of your neighbour when washing, or choosing not to wash. Being a social animal has its blessings and hazards in the most unexpected places! Lots to be thankful for this (Canadian) Thanksgiving season! And so the best to all of you, with appreciation for this helpful conversation, especially your sensible and practical non-judgemental reminder Hank!





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  2. If I were to choose the Norwegian costal trip again it would be Hurtigrute, round trip from Bergen. A supply ship/passenger experience that provides more insight in to coastal living in Norway than any cruise ship experience. With all the comforts you would want in accommodation and meals. No casino or large theatre. And I've done lots of regular cruises and love them too. And love to gamble as well. But the closer connection, in comfort, to the Norwegian experience through one or more of the daily departure Hurtigruten ships from Bergen beats them all.

    For Alaska, Alaska Marine Highways, out of Bellingham,Washington, or anywhere in ports en route (none inBC) is similar ( supply/passenger ships) but more rustic, fewer amenities, coastal village visits at all hours for delivery as opposed to passsenger convenience, a great experience to in its own right.



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