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Posts posted by kingcruiser1

  1. Uh, say again. What the heck does that mean?




    The translation is from Bing translator. The translation attempts to tell the amount of money and how it was rescued by being thrown into the lifeboat in a bag........

    I provided the link so that you could read further. Unfortunately, my Italian is not great, but sometimes the translations are not so good, either. The article does give some basics about the attempt to save the money aboard the ship, though. If you possess the capability, a better translation would be welcomed! :) Thanks!

  2. I would urge everyone to watch the video. It is about six minutes long taken between 12 midnight to 1 am in the morning from a rescue boat helping the victims on the Concordia. In the video, you get the sense of the increasing list of the ship, which is about 25 degrees near midnight going towards 45 degrees by the end of the video. This video shows people in rafts, people in the water, people being rescued off of ropes on the high side of the ship, the empty rope ladder at the bow that the coast guard demanded that Captain Schettino climb up, etc. The video provides some great context and proof of items outlined in news stories.

    There were two videos released today on Repubblica; Click here for the shorter earlier video.http://video.repubblica.it/dossier/naufragio-giglio-costa-concordia/la-motovedetta-della-finanza-la-concordia-non-comunica/89431/87824


    Gentlemen, might I suggest that this become the title of a new thread? Please refer to my previous post if further explanation is needed.

  4. From Repubblica:

    New accusations regarding the captain; other Costa employees brought under investigation; Bosio's role examined.



    Translation of the Article (via Microsoft Translator):


    Non-disclosure to the maritime authorities of the crash against the rocks of the lily: this new allegation is investigated the Commander of the ship Costa Concordia, Francisco Schettino. He was notified at the same time with the notices of warranty to seven new suspects yesterday.


    Grosseto Attorney objected to the new hypothesis of crime against Schettino under the right of navigation. For investigators Schettino must respond specifically also for not having notified the Capitaneria di porto di Livorno the actual gravity of the situation, delaying the emergency and rescue procedures. Schettino was already investigated by the 14 January for multiple murder manslaughter, shipwreck, abandonment of incapable and abandonment of the ship.


    Indeed, the investigation has widened involving


    even the leaders of Costa Crociere and second-in-command Roberto Bosio and other officers on the navigating bridge.

    Although the Commander Francesco Schettino denied the correct information to the harbour and took the decision to give the general alarm and activate the relief effort, the second-in-command Roberto Bosio could intervene in his place and, according to specific protocols, work to limit the damage of the shipwreck and alert before the authorities.

    Already after about 15 minutes from bumping against the rocks of lily, investigating sources explain, Schettino and his officers in plank had all the information to assess the severity of the damage and knew already that the ship could no longer float. The second-in-command Bosio reached the bridge a few minutes after the impact. According to investigators, Bosio not fired on maritime authorities to warn of the real situation and not adequately challenged decisions of Schettino but failed, considered an emergency. Bosio is accused of sinking because during the maneuver approaching the Lily was on a break from work and stood in his cabin, where he warned the impact. Then came the command Bridge, where while learning that the ship was no longer governable, according to investigators not managed to speed up the rescue and emergency procedures.

  5. There seems to be some confusion regarding Costa Concordia's propulsion system.



    The discussion regarding Concordia's propulsion system has most likely run its course, as has been implied in posts by several CC members. The lengthy discussion, while informative, negates the objective of the thread, which is to share current news without opinon, conjecture, or off topic banter. As you may know, several threads of discussion have been deleted in the past few days, and I suspect that CC posters have requested that this discussion regarding the propulsion system be dropped because there is fear that this thread will also disappear if the argument continues. Consequently, as the person who originally started this thread, I respectfully request that the propulsion system discussion cease.

    It is my hope that CC members will continue to share news and links so that those of us who wish to keep abreast of the news will have a quick point of reference regarding the latest infomation about Concordia.

  6. No comment on this? Is this not news?


    I only went back a few pages to see if this was reported on and didn't see it so here is a link



    degarr, your sharing of factual information is much appreciated. However, this news was actually reported in this thread on Feb. 18th and 19th.

    Since this thread's objective is to share news, your most recent post probably has received no comment due to the fact it was shared earlier. Additionally, comments overall have remained minimal because the thread's design is to share news without being bogged down by personal conjecture or opinion, which has most likely been the cause of several other threads being closed by the CC admisinstrators. Respectfully, it is my hope that CC members will continue to share news and links so that those of us who wish to keep abreast of the news will have a quick point of reference regarding the latest infomation about Concordia.

  7. Repubblica reports the names of those who are potentially also culpable:

    Link: http://firenze.repubblica.it/cronaca/2012/02/22/news/inchiesta-30325978/

    Translation of article (via Microsoft translator):

    The Prosecutor's Office of Grosseto is sending notices to guarantee to persons accused of manslaughter, shipwreck and omission of maritime authorities are notified. It would be seven among the ship's officers and employees of the coast. Among them Roberto Ferrarini, head of the crisis unit which called dozens of times to Commander Schettino on the evening of the shipwreck.


    The inquiry into the sinking of the lily widens and also involves the vertices of Costa Crociere. The Prosecutor's Office of Grosseto is sending warnings, that would be seven. In the register of suspects there are officers who were in the facia on the evening of the shipwreck Coast and employees, including Executive Vice President. These people are going to add to the master Francisco Schettino, that at the moment it is placed under house arrest, and one of his Deputy Ciro Ambrosio, suspect on the loose.


    The new suspects are Roberto Ferrarini (head of the crisis unit of Costa Cruises), Manfred Ursprunger (executive vice President, fleet operation of coast), Paolo Parodi (fleet superintendent of coast) and officers Andrea Bongiovanni, Roberto Bosio, Silvia Coronica and Salvatore Ursinus. The reasons that led the Prosecutor to Grosseto in placing these people in the register of suspects are in errors in approach manoeuvre to Lily who er ain dashboard and emergency management failures in leaders of the crisis unit .


    The Prosecutor's Office by January 13, the day of the disaster, he listened to lots of people, in particular the officers present in the facia on the night of the disaster, but also other employees of the owner as the men of the task force for emergencies. Also Pierluigi Foschi, CEO of Coast was heard from pm work in recent days. The next will take place on 3 March in Grosseto the evidential incident during which will be granted various experts the task


    read the data from the black box. Theoretically can participate all over 4 thousand parts offenses, including the Costa Crociere, in addition of course to suspects with their lawyers.


    The owner said in a statement it says some of the "professional competence and ethical correctness" of its employees who work in the hours following this serious incident with the highest professionalism and dedication ". While the renewed confidence in the judiciary, he adds: "The establishment of truth is essential for Justice to be done first victims but also towards our crew and the company itself. The inclusion of cabin crew and ground in the register of suspects we believe is due to the need to provide legal guarantees for every citizen, especially in view of the celebration of the accident evidence which will take place in the coming days ".

  8. From Repubblica:





    The Commander's hair a small presence of traces of cocaine. It would have been touched by someone who had used drugs







    Commander Francis Schettino has not drunk alcohol or take drugs before the accident the Costa Concordia. The analysis of urine and hair do not have detected the presence of these substances. Hair on the outside but there is an almost imperceptible from cocaine contamination.


    The results of the survey conducted at the Catholic University of Rome were communicated informally to the Prosecutor in Grosseto. Schettino hasn't consumed drugs even in the months preceding the incident of 13 January, says an analysis of hair, able to be traced back very far back in time. The small presence of traces of drugs would be attributed to possible hair Schettino touch from someone who had used cocaine.

  9. Repubblica reports on video filmed by crew member. http://www.repubblica.it/cronaca/2012/02/17/news/giglio-30038881/

    Translation below by Microsoft Translator:

    Investigative sources say that it is a member of the crew of the presenzas none of the officers had observed on the navigating bridge. Solved the mystery on the schedules of the images shot. No manipulation

    105638768-536f5f0a-358f-4f23-80f6-760db9575196.jpg (ansa)




    ROME -A photographer on board. According to investigative sources would have been one of the crew members, the author of the video shown exclusively from the "Tg5" a few days ago. The images document what happened on the command Bridge of the Costa Concordia shortly after the impact with the rocks. Yesterday i pm di Grosseto questioned several officers, who were made also questions relating to those who may have shot the video. In the coming days investigators convocheranno in the head of the photographers aboard Costa Concordia.

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