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Everything posted by harryfat1

  1. You can pay $5 to go up the narrow staircase to go up to the top of the lighthouse. I saw the video on YouTube and the view was just OK so didn’t feel compelled to pay the money but someone from our tour did go up. It would be a rushed trip anyway as we didn’t stop here for too long By then it was 12:30 and it was another hot day in the Caribbean (there are no cold Caribbean days, right?) so many people lined up to get drinks instead of going up the Lighthouse. Let’s see here - $5/pp to go up the narrow stairs in the heat or $5 to buy something to cool you off? I think the line tells you what many people chose
  2. OK, done with the Chapel. Up next on this whirlwind tour of northern Aruba is the California Lighthouse. The Lighthouse was erected after the ship SS California sunk off the coast in the late 1800s. It’s supposed to be the tallest structure in Aruba situated in the North part of the island. Oh, hey, look, there are more tour buses. Fancy that...
  3. This Chapel is a main stop for many sightseers as well as worshipers and it draws a whole lot of vendors Many people visiting their crazy aunt in the basement this morning (aka shopping). Hey, kids, I know you wanted the new game for the Xbox for Christmas but Grandma lost some money at the casino last night on the ship so she’s a little short on cash. How about a cheap T-shirt from Aruba that you will never wear instead of cash for your game? 🤪
  4. Ok, done with the abandoned mine area as we checked all the body parts are still intact as we now go off to the next area – Alto Vista Chapel All these cacti remind me of Arizona Here's the Chapel
  5. It’s somewhat scenic at the top but not sure if it was worth the climb amidst all the people Similar to the previous attraction where going up was much harder than coming down as you can just come down a slope. In theory, you probably could have just walked up the hill on the side instead of risking the climb inside the abandoned mine but I guess that takes the "fun" out of it
  6. Walking and the infamous NYC subway. Been watching lots of videos on the NYC subway. We spent almost 3 weeks in Japan taking subways and trains but of course, that country is much safer and cleaner than NYC but it's a similar idea of walking around a concrete jungle. Will be planning to walk in the morning before it gets too hot and indoor activities/ferry rides in the afternoons to cool off
  7. My wife taking a picture of us from the other side And I took a picture of her Yeah, they would never have this back home as it's just a lawsuit waiting to happen as you know someone will be injured from this climb and the lawyers would be all over themselves filing lawsuits...
  8. There’s no tour guide or anything resembling an organized climbing effort. It’s like letting loose 100 monkeys into a house and everyone is going every which way. Yeah, climb at your own risk...
  9. One more picture of the Casibari rocks from the bus as we move onto the next stop – Bushiribana Old Mine Ruins This was an abandoned gold mine from many years ago and it’s somehow a big visiting site with tons of people climbing the ruins. I think this must be a big ATV roundup place as there are probably over 100 ATVs in the area along with all the bus tours
  10. I briefly thought about a cruise out of NYC a while back but the itinerary didn’t appeal to me as it would take me south to FL and the Bahamas where my brain would melt in the August heat. Not to mention we already did 2 cruises in 2023 and one more upcoming this December, the family will bulk if I opt for more cruises. We like cruises in general but that’s not our only form of vacationing as we have road trips that span 2,000+ miles round trip in the west coast. Easier to just do a one-week land trip to NYC to see as much as we can. Then plan for a future December cruise where we will come back to see the Holiday lights of NYC and freeze our buns off as the West Coast stores don't sell clothes that are East Coast winter-ready. Nice view of the Statue at sunset
  11. Thanks for the concern. Our area didn’t get hit too badly from this series of storms but from the news report, other areas did. https://www.yahoo.com/news/part-los-angeles-could-see-065102556.html I think Viator probably has a solid record on getting most of the tours out without glitches as they have 4.4 stars out of 5 out of 77K+ reviews on Google so they are decent. It’s just the odds of things going wrong increase every time you have a middle person passing on the traveler info and you are dependent on how organized the local tour operators are.. We have one more set of rocks to climb at the next stop on the tour and that one is even more challenging to go up
  12. Good thing you didn’t stumble onto some hard labor bus where they take you to some field and make you do manual labor in the Caribbean heat. I guess the person whose spot you took was cursing out the tour operator as he/she was still at the cruise terminal waiting for their ride. That’s the drawback of online tours is that some are lazy about who they pick up. All you are is a headcount to them. They are employed to pick up X number that day and as long as the number is right, they don’t care if is that the correct group or not. At least with the ship-based tour, you meet at the theater somewhere and they issue you a group number sticker that you put on your shirt (i.e. group 7) to at least know you are with the right group. Like in the picture below - you just need to find the number and you are set.
  13. Oh, yeah, you have to pay like $2 to use their restroom as my wife and my son were in line to pay. So have some small bills with you as you travel to pay for restroom use. From what they told me, there's no toilet paper inside the restroom so you have to bring some sort of paper Kleenex in your backpack to do your business...
  14. Lots of people at the top After a while, it’s time to go back down as we need to go to the next place It’s a one direction up and another direction down. Going down is much easier with an open staircase. No worries about being the middle part of a “rock sandwich”… It's a steep downhill walk, Be sure to hold onto the metal railing.
  15. So this is what you see when you get to the top I wouldn't get too close to that railing as you don't know how sturdy that wood is being out in the sun and the rain year-round Another tour bus dropping off tourists to see the rocks
  16. Does anyone really believe this little wooden bar has much impact on the movement of the rock? You would think they could at least use an aluminum pipe or something more sturdy looking than a little twig-sized wood to try and sturdy the rocks? Do they have earthquakes in Aruba? Watch out for your head
  17. We are here I like this disclaimer sign that says climb at your own risk – don’t sue us if a 10-ton rock crushes you…
  18. After the Aloe Factory, the next stop on the tour is the Casibari Rock Formation. The place is a bunch of mixed rock formations in the middle of the island and people like to climb to the top to take a look at the island. Lots of cacti on the way there. Almost like we are visiting Arizona
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