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Posts posted by Kas1010

  1. I am worried now, travel agency booked the flights and said we should be ok. :(


    I will arrange a car 730am. I will have a US phone so hopefully I should be able to call the car company.


    What is the average time frame to get to the airport on a Saturday.


    It will only be a domestic flight as we will fly from JFK - LAX and we don't leave the country until the following day.

  2. Hi All,


    I am new to forum and sorry if this is in the wrong section or been asked before.


    We are a family of 4 travelling from Australia.


    Question 1

    We are due to arrive back in port at 6am. Do they usually arrive on time. Do you think we will be ok to make our flight at 11.30 am to La .


    Question 2

    Best options for transfer to JFK. Happy to take a taxi. just want to make sure we get to the airport on time, or what other options are available . RC don't offer transfers to JFK.




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