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cruising butterfly

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Posts posted by cruising butterfly

  1. Amen.

    I've been following and reading this since the first few hours it was reported and I've held back. An eight year old child who had her entire life ahead of her passed away and her family is left with a space that will never be filled.



    No matter what happened on board I wish that on no one. Speaking of that let's stop with the words.... "I heard", "I read", "I saw", "supposedly"... A very few select people know exactly what happened on board and when/if that gets released to the public we will all know what happened. Let's not jump to crazy stories about what happened, what's next and where CCL goes from here. It's a tragedy no matter what - let's leave it at that.


    May she rest in peace and prayers to those in her family and friends, I hope they have amazing memories from their last vacation with their little girl.

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