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Posts posted by malibu51

  1. Before choosing either the Celebrity Edge or the Celebrity Apex, you should be very aware of the shortcomings of the Veranda Cabins. If you expect a real Veranda, that is not what you get. Yes, the Glass Top comes down but not very far. You are not really sitting outside your cabin. Next, instead of drapes, there is a up and down wall that can not be stopped half way. Unlike a regular cabin, you can not have the drapes partially close the veranda. Next, if you dare keep the sliding window down, your cabin will quickly get covered on all surfaces with a damp surface. This can really be annoying for linens, electronics, everything. The bathroom has a heated large mirror that does not fog...but it gets really really hot !  You can not get close to it to shave or put on make up or you will begin to sweat bigtime.

    The Ships, otherwise are incredible. It is almost better to get an inside cabin rather than to put up with the nonsense of these Veranda Cabins. But you will still have to contend with the hot hot mirrors.

               People should be aware of these issues. As for me, these two ships are non starters.

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