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Posts posted by starladear

  1. i took phentermine for about six months. i lost 60 lbs. i've been off it for about 6 months and i haven't gained any weight back. i want to lose more but i'm not sure if i'll get back on the phentermine or just try & reduce cals on my own (i probably eat about 1800 cals per day right now, but if i can get down to 1500 consistently i know i'll start losing.


    the phentermine was great for me. it helped me to relearn what a portion was & that i don't *need* to eat as much as i think i did. i understand that it's ok to feel hungry & that i'll get to eat again in a few hours.


    i didn't have a lot of side effects and my blood pressure was always fine (i had a doctor's visit monthly)


    i don't think it's the solution to an emotional eating problem (which i have and am working through) but it will jump start that weight loss and i did learn a lot about appropriate portions while on it.

  2. i waned to lose a lot of weight for our past sailing in January. what works (for me, everyone is different) is intermittent fasting. i don't eat breakfast, and i stop eating after dinner. so i "fast" from about 5/6pm until 11;30 am the next day when i have lunch. i have a small lunch of about 500 cals, usually a lean cuisine with a can of drained peaches, and then for dinner i eat whatever - we tend to stick to fish, chicken, we grill burgers, or soup & sandwiches. with the chicken and fish we make white rice & a veggie. i just try not to overeat and stop when i am full. this has worked for me and i still eat fairly normally & normal food. if i want something "extra' that's fine. we actually still followed this on our cruise and we didn't gain any weight and we ate a ton of food in the buffet every night LOL

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