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Posts posted by Mdamato2

  1. When I booked I made sure to tell them he had an allergy like I did the first time we went on NCL. We went on the gem 2 years ago and it was great. This time I was doing all the work and not getting his food when I preordered it was unaccetable. Different ship the breakaway so maybe that was the difference.

  2. This was our second cruise with ncl and the first one wss excellent. My father in law has a glutten allergy and they always sent someone over each evening to give him his options.

    Well in was a whole different experience on the breakaway. The first night the waiter looked at us like we had 10 heads when we explained and really was no help. A manager came over finally got the order straight for dinner and let us preorder for next night since we were doing so

    Dinner show. Well PS his dinner was not ordered or delivered. My whole family had eaten already and he still hadnt received his dinner. The matre d was working on it but basically the lady who had taken our order the night before didnt put it in. He eventually got his dinner but haf to eat it in the dark during the show. Im very disappointed since we had such a positive experience the last cruise.

  3. My family returned 2 weeks ago from cruise on norwegion breakaway. We were traveling with my inlaws, got an upgrade, but were not given connecting rooms and our rooms were next to each other. My 9 year old went to open the door and when hevwas exiting the room the door slammed quickly on his elbow injuring him. After accident reports,photos of the door and medical treatment no one even contacted us to see if he was ok. I submitted a complaint when we hot home and no response. There should be some type of warning on these doors and ncl could use better customer service. Not impressed at all.

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