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Posts posted by Tubafone

  1. I was not ever booked in the rooms in question and at the time I called princess I did not know which rooms had events in them. I just wanted to make sure my room wasn't one of them (interesting that now I wouldn't care). Princess wouldn't tell me the room numbers but assured me no one would be using those rooms. I was disappointed that was an incorrect statement.


    All the info I got was from talking to my cabin steward who was aware of the murder but all he knew seemed to be from news reports. I was unclear as to why medical was called to decks 9 and 14. He told me that the call for medical came from deck 14 reporting the incident on 9. There was never anything foul tha t happened on 14. My steward was also the one to mention there was no damage to the furniture, just cleaning had to be done and replacing the carpet.


    I know the rooms are occupied because I have seen the people when I walked by the room. I didn't talk to their cabin steward or to the guests staying in that room. Yes I want more details too, but I think most of us know more than most of the employees on the ship.


    I thought I saw two small stains outside the cabin door which may have been blood. My wife thinks they are too old and faded to be from the crime scene.


    I imagine that cabin is in better shape than my cabin.

  2. I saw the carpet today as I walked by and the door was open. It looked new, and was even the same pattern as the carpet in my room. Not all the rooms have the same pattern.


    A cabin steward said there was no damage to the room other than blood. No furniture or fixtures had to be replaced other than possibly the bunk ladder.

  3. To clarify, yes, I'm on the ship right now about to leave Ketchikan. There are names posted by each door who is staying there. This morning I saw a couple leaving one of the rooms, but I'm not going to freak them out by asking if they are aware of the recent events.

  4. I called princess to verify we wouldn't be staying in those rooms this week. We were assured that those rooms would not be in use for the first couple of cruises. That is NOT the case. Both of the rooms are occupied.

    There was no damage to the stateroom door nor was anything else broken. Carpet has been replaced I am told. Security won't talk to crew about details, probably because of upcoming legal cases and not wanting to influence testimony.


    I thought I'd hear someone else on the cruise talking about this incident, but I haven't.

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