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Posts posted by nicavecmini

  1. Who on earth needs more than 23+5kg?!


    23kg for a single item is the health and safety limit set by the airports so you're unlikely to find anywhere that allows higher unless you have multiple cases.


    I regularly do up to 10 days hand luggage only. I've even been known to do 7 nights <5kg before. Granted, that wasn't for a cruise though.


    I'm fully expecting my case to be ~17kg + hand luggage for my cruise. I just can't understand why you'd need any more than that?


    I bet these are the same people who don't understand what "ONE item of hand luggage" means then get outraged when they have to squeeze their handbag in their case at the gate


    P.s. I realise this is an ancient topic, but clearly it's still relevant

  2. Hi all,


    Does anyone know if it's possible to have two on board accounts set up for one cabin please? With a different credit card registered to each one? My friend and I will be sharing a twin cabin on Azura and it would make our lives easier if we could keep our spending separate rather than having to try and work it all out at the end.


    If you can do it, is it possible to split the OBC 50/50 across the two accounts or would it all have to go on one?



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