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Vessel of Honor

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Posts posted by Vessel of Honor

  1. 3/25/20 - Thank you everyone who replied to this question.  We were scheduled to sail April 4 and cancelled March 10th.  I keep looking but now I feel I should relax until the beginning of May before I look for our refund.  My concern was the figures are different between the Royal email sent to my TA and the email sent to me.  Also, I do all our booking and the FCC only referred to my name on the receipt from Royal.   Also, we have trips scheduled for the end of this year in Sept. and Nov.  I'm wondering if we should cancel and toss this year a loss vacation wise. 


    Everyone stay safe and pray for those who have fallen ill, the medical teams and those who have loss their jobs.  Also that there will be a rapid end to this pandemic.

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