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Posts posted by Roslynn

  1. @NLH Arizona

    I do not understand your question, the daily service charge is already forcibly factored in so six to one, half a dozen to the other. The result is the same. The consumers input in so far as to decide what gratuity to leave has been removed. This has the potential to foster underachievers while compelling the consumer to pay more for service that will then seem "above and beyond". Because of the nature of the daily service charge and when it is collected, I can imagine that divorce in time from when service is rendered to when gratuity is collected that some may tip cash at the time of service or daily because it is a more recognizable feeling of leaving gratuity. In other words, familiar.


    Either way, I don't have any idea for a better system so the current one is as good as any based on the logic already presented by fshagan


    My first cruise with NCL was two years ago on the Pearl. I found the staff to be universally amazing! I think they must enjoy working with NCL and the cruise line does a great job in recruiting, retention and training. Although I intially thought that the DSC seemed high and counterintuitive (e.g. being mandated rather than related directly to services received) by the end of the cruise I felt that it was well-earned.

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