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Posts posted by jm8280

  1. Just got off the Gem this past Saturday and had my 17 yo son and my 18yo niece. Sil signed the waver for her to drink on board. She was allowed to drink beer and wine and go to casino when not in US waters. One of the stops was Port Canaveral. The 2 clubs in board, bliss and spinnaker were over 18 after 1130. My son was kicked out when security went around and asked for ID. We did see a lot of young kids in them until 1130.



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  2. When using it will I also be charged for internet minutes? Worried that kids phones will still be getting updates and messages from other apps like Snapchat and Facebook. Will it work if they put their phones on airplane mode



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  3. We have done Kennedy Space in July There was plenty of time to see most of it. You get back to the ship around 730. People that have done Disney from the ship had said that the lines there were so long they could only get in a few rides. We were thinking of doing it this July when we are in port. But now that it is only a transfer to the park with no ticket has made us change our minds. We were also what to do if the park stops letting guests in because of volume. Last year magic kingdom stopped letting people in for a few hours. If you want a nice pool day most of the people in board get off and you have the pool to yourself



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  4. Thank you for the answers. Wife and myself have been on the gem a few times. Just asking because FIL can’t walk long distances and stand for a long time and the wait times were long to check in ( not looking to jump line) Last time we sailed in Gem there were not many chairs to wait in until boarding. He will be able to move about the ship as there are multiple places to sit and rest. Again thanks for your response



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  5. We are taking the Gem out of NY in July. My FIL has trouble walking and standing for long periods.just wanted to know if the port has wheelchairs for people to use from the street into check in and waiting area until we board the ship.



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  6. We will be on the Gem in July with extended family and stopping at GSC and thinking of a cabana. I laws have a problem with walking long distance. Is there transportation from the tenders to the cabana? Are they worth it,they say you get food and drink vouchers but we already have drink plan and the food on island is free.



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