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Posts posted by hollytown

  1. 2 hours ago, david_sobe said:

    I hope it all works out for the OP.  But I am confused. I am the first to cry fowl if a customer is mistreated.  However can someone explain to me what NCL did wrong?  I keep trying to find something that would make me feel sympathetic to the OP so I can jump in his camp.  IMHO, in the OP's own words explains to me what a fantastic job NCL did.  NCL booked the flights.  OP did not like the flights and NCL changed the flights.  NCL got him to the port on time.  NCL provided accurate insurance information (even though there was a misunderstanding).  NCL had to cancel a port due to maintenance (happens all the time).  NCL gives OP $100 then changed to $200 which may have been a mistake.  NCL states in writing they will give him the $100 refund on his bill.  NCL was not obligated to give any OBC yet the OP got $200.

    Can someone please tell me what NCL did wrong or why compensation should be given.  If you write a letter to a company asking for compensation, you should be able to articulate why.  My 2 cents.  What am I missing?

     As far as writing a letter, this has been done already and they understand at ncl what the problem was and what was suppose to have been done.  The reason for the next level complaint is because I can not get any answers from ncl on what will be done and when  I am confused as to why you keep harassing me on this. You do not have the information that  I was asking for, so can you just let it go? I don't need you to be sympathetic for me.

  2. 6 minutes ago, Budget Queen said:

    Good grief.   This is an unclear,  narrative.   Some of the "complaints",  have NO proof and can also be denied by NCL.   I don't get the credit card claim?   IF you got the "credit",  simply divide it up and do what you want with it yourself?   (unclear, to me,  since I'm likely missing something?)  


    Was the flight changed before you left?   Then problem solved.   for any "claim" of you being owed something-   then where is the PROOF,  in writing?   


    Don't worry about it. I'm done with this board. Have a good day

  3. 13 minutes ago, PatandStu said:

    Success for me.

    After repeated phone calls, I found a gentleman at customer service who solved my problem in less than 10 minutes.

    I started the conversation by saying "I don't want to yell at you, but I'm frustrated." I told my story briefly-3 sentences and let him work his magic.

    I asked for his name and personal extension in case I ever needed him again, but he would only say he was Dave and didn't have a direct phone number.

    Persistence pays off.

    The last several times I've called, I don't tell them the story at all. I just say read the notes. Lol.the majority of the reps I've talked to have said I never should've had to go thru all that mess, but unfortunately I keep getting passed around and no one can do anything, they always have to refer to a supervisor and there is never one available. You are right tho, persistence does pay off.  Glad you got your issues resolved. I most definitely will keep trying

  4. 11 minutes ago, newmexicoNita said:

    I was thinking the same thing,not to mention no paragraphs. 


    Here are a few problems with the posting: 

    1-as a retired TA I can assure you the air schedule, even going through the cruise line is set by the air line. Believe me when I say, some of worst problems I ever had was booking air packages. The prices are good, but that is where it stops and this isn't only NCL. 

    2- if I understand you, your problem was with an Oct sailing. It is way to late to complain now, that was over 3 months ago.

    3-you say you thought the insurance was too low: didn't you question he figure at the time and if you didn't get an email from NCL listing all the charges immediately did you think of calling that day to ask why? 

    4-What would you expect from NCL at this late date? 


    I have no problems with anyone complaining to a company. We have done our share but it is always as soon as the problem occurs and writing to them, not calling or emailing them. 

    No, you did not understand correctly. I started the complaint after he final payment date which was July. We sailed on Oct.  I apologize that I didn't write in paragraphs, I was trying to hurry. I actually apologize that I even posted anything at all. All I was asking if anyone had contact numbers. I thought I would include the situation so I didn't have to answer a lot of questions. That was incorrect on my part obviously.

    I have stated this before... I want my obc that incl said they would honor back on my credit card. As far as the compensation I was never told what that would be. That's another reason why I had to call repeatedly trying to get someone who could tell me something. I was offered that by ncl. I didn't request it. And it was because of the amount of time I had to spend just to find out when we were even flying out much less getting back. This was a huge deal for me because I work 2 jobs and run a small business. A little over 2 weeks before sail date to find out was a big issue. Now I'm assuming the only thing they could do now is on my next cruise I already had booked with them is give me the compensation then

  5. 9 minutes ago, Nola26 said:

    If you received a Cruise Confirmation from NCL they list all charges individually and line by line show prices per person, so  your charge per person for Trip Insurance would have had a total in one column, but charge for each person would have been shown under specific columns "Guest 1", etc. Also, Transfer if pre-arranged/charged would have been a separate line as well. I've never booked hotel through NCL, so if the transfer was associated with that part of trip it may be embedded on the hotel line.


    I've sailed often on NCL, we are really pleased with our experiences, including resolving small issues. Good luck with your process

    Yeah, the trip insurance wasn't an issue I was expecting anything out of because we ended up using another company. The only reason I ever mentioned it is because it was incorrect info given. I thought at first maybe they had a new group of employees that maybe needed some extra training, etc. My main issue was the time that I had to waste calling trying to get our flight info. I work 2 jobs and ruin a small business and was almost put in the position of not getting time off because my work requires a 30 day notice to take vacation. I didn't get confirmation until almost 2 weeks before we sailed. I have used ncl many times before and never had issues like this. Thank you for taking the time to read and respond. 

  6. 24 minutes ago, fshagan said:

    You can Tweet Andy Stuart (President and CEO of NCL) at @nclandy. If you don't have a Twitter account yet go to this link and sign up, then send him a tweet.


    But first, I would write down the ONE THING you want from NCL. Not the long laundry list of things gone wrong that got corrected, minor things that you know don't deserve action. Those things are important, yes, but only to understanding your frustration.


    You have about 140 characters to alert him so focus on telling him what you want in those 140 characters. Something like "Waiting for XX months for resolution of case #xxxxx. Can you help?" is perfect.

    That is perfect! Yes, I do have a Twitter account. Thank you! The reason I even put so much info on here was because I have seen in other post how people always want the whole story. Thank you for taking the time to read it and for your suggestion. It's much appreciated

  7. 16 minutes ago, david_sobe said:

    I don't want to sound like I am pouncing on you like a lawyer but your own statement casts doubt on your case.   You would like "whatever compensation they promised"   Clearly if NCL promised compensation, they would have told you exactly what it was.  Then you would have a case.  What ever happened to my __________ compensation?  There seems to be miscommunication and from your own words, I don't think NCL is going to give you any compensation other than the $100 OBC they stated would be refunded to your card.  In your own words, you made no case for compensation and you never state what NCL stated they would give you.  Just saying from your own words, there seems to be nothing there.  Clearly you were aggravated from phone calls and emails.  However, NCL flew you to the ship on time for departure and got you home safely.  I just am confused what you are demanding.

    I'm telling the story as it happened. They told me they would compensate but never told me what that would be. Hence why there was a supervisor that was suppose to call me and never did. As far as the obc, I was told I would get it, but with the last email I received they were wanting to give me a welcoming amenity on my next cruise in place of it. And before you ask, no they did not state what in the email. I'm not sure why this has even became a discussion. All I wanted was info on who to contact. The what Im asking for to remedy the situation needs to be discussed with ncl, not cruise critic. 

  8. 6 minutes ago, BirdTravels said:

    Our experience is that it takes upwards of 3 months to resolve a case. With 10's of thousands of people sailing each week, and hundreds of emails sent every day of the week, things end up in queues for disposition. 

    Oh wow! That's good to know. Every time I have called since I filed the case told me it would be 15 business days. Thanks for your info..

  9. 2 minutes ago, zqvol said:

    What does OP want done to resolve here situation.

    For the obc I want the $100 back on my credit card like they told me they would do.

    For the miscommunication issue, I would like whatever compensation they promised would happen and it didn't. I currently have another cruise booked with them. 

    I stated this clearly in the email I sent to them. So there shouldn't be any confusion on their end.

  10. 1 hour ago, david_sobe said:

    I am getting old because I had to read the original post 3 times before I understood all the issues. :classic_blink:


    To the OP, I don't think there is an email or customer service line you could call and address your issues.  I am sympathetic but many of the issues are typical of booking any cruise.  Cruise insurance is usually quoted per person.  Not sure anyone did anything wrong with that.  I do agree that booking a connecting flight 30 minutes after landing is risky.  However, many other people would complain if they were stuck in the airport for hours if they knew a flight left earlier.  NCL changed the flight for you, correct?  These are the issues and complaints you asked compensation for?

    So far, IMHO I don't see where NCL did anything wrong.  However the woman who told you would be compensated for changing your flight errored in telling you about compensation.  Giving you quotes about insurance per person and trying to get your connecting flight as most beneficial to the passenger is hardly a reason to give someone compensation.  NCL changed your flight per your request.  Now, I do feel your frustration with the long communications you had over the phone and email.  But the ship would have no idea why you deserved compensation if you arrived on time for your cruise booking with NCL.  Cruise lines are allowed to cancel ports and they are not under obligation to give anyone OBC for that reason.  They will refund port taxes.  NCL gave everyone $100 but made an error in giving you $200.  It sounds to me they will honor their word and refund your card for the $100 especially since you have that in writing.  Cruise refunds can take up to 3 weeks.

    I am sympathetic to  your frustration but every complaint you had about NCL really are typical cruise issues.  You missed no flights.  You got a proper insurance quote.  You did not miss the ship.  NCL offered OBC for a missed port which is a nice gesture and their error may get you another $100 off your bill.


    I still don't quite understand what compensation you are seeking?  

    At this point all I need is contrast information. Thank you

  11. 1 hour ago, PatandStu said:

    I read on an earlier post that someone had good results by calling this number: 1-855-625-4283.

    i took a screen shot of the number because I’m still waiting on a promised, but not yet delivered, on-board credit. 

    Hope it helps. 

    Thank you. I'll check to see if that is one of the numbers I've called. Hope you get your credit soon!

  12. I will never book my airfare thru ncl again.  Even if it is free. I just posted a comment on how to file a formal complaint that tells my ordeal with booking air thru them. As far as the transfers everyone is saying they've been quoted, I was told that our transfers were free with the airfare. That was completely incorrect. We were charged $46 each way per person. This was on a pride of America sailing.

  13. I will try to make this read as short as possible. Here goes... I had a group of me and 3 friends sail on pride of America on Oct 27 2018. We booked way over a year in advance. When we did the booking the we decided to book the airfare thru ncl. We also got a free night in Waikiki before the cruise left out. The rep told me that we would get the flight info on the final payment date. This is the first time I had ever booked a flight thru ncl. He also quoted me a price for insurance and said it was total for all of us. It seemed a little low, but I thought maybe Hawaii was different. I had never been, so I didn't know.. Anyways, final payment rolled around and before it was paid I asked abt the insurance. I was told that quote was per person, not total. Then after the payment was made, I called back to check on the flight info. This is the beginning of the 15+ calls I had to make to them. Each time I called I was on hold 30 min +. A lot of times the phone call would just disconnect. I finally found that if I pressed the option to book a cruise someone picked right up. I was told that I would receive the info 30 days before sailing and it would be emailed to me. This was important to me because of needing to know when our flight was leaving our so I knew what I could work that week. 30 days passed and still no info. The next time I called I was told they just didn't have the info yet. Several more calls and I finally emailed them. I was then told in a very snarky email that the info had been there and I needed to check in to see it. Not once did anyone ever say that. When I got the info our return flight gave us 30 min between the time the connecting flight landed till the next one took off. I called back. The lady I spoke with said she would change it but the people who update it were already gone for the day and it would be the following day before I would get new documents. A week later, still no email. By this point it is 2 weeks before we sail. I called again and got the documents (they didn't know why it wasn't updated) at this point I complained and the lady I spoke to said she was forwarding it to her supv and they would be sure to compensate us for all our troubles. Never heard fRom anyone. Got onboard the ship and was told by guest relations that they can't do anything about pre cruise issues and I had nothing compensating me. While on the cruise we were suppose to cruise the na pali  coast. That got cancelled due to scheduled maintenance.we got a letter stating each cabin would get $100 obc. When we went down to split it up (they put it all on one guest act) the rep said oh no, you have $200. The day before our last day one of my group decided to get a print out of her bill. There was a misc $50 charge. She went to guest services to ask about it and was told the $200 was a glitch and we were only suppose to have $100 so they took it back. This happened to everyone on board and they did not tell anyone unless you happen to notice it and ask them. I filed 2 different case numbers (1 for each problem) as I was told to do this by a rep I talked to when I got back. He said that they were going to honor the $200 credit and that I could have it put back on my credit card. It was suppose to take 15 business days for a response. After more phone calls, I finally got a response to the obc issues on Jan 10. It was a very generic response and basically said they would give me a welcome amenity on my next cruise. As this was not acceptable, I called again and was told I needed to respond to this email, which I did. No response as of yet. . I was told the pre cruise issue has just been assigned to someone on Jan 15 so it will be 15 bus days before I hear anything. Has anyone had an issue before with filling complaints? Who can I go to now to get something done?

  14. hi all. I am leaving on the pride of America on oct 27. I am looking for suggestions on finding tours for the road to hana in maui and a luau in Kauai. I am not one who does cruise ship excursions because I know how much they inflate the price. is there a company that anyone has used that offers these? thanks!.

  15. I'm looking at 2 cruises on Norwegian from Seattle to Alaska for Sept 2019. One is 7 day Alaska w/glacier bay Sept 22-29 and the other is 7 day Alaska w/Sawyer glacier Sept 21-28. Has anyone heard of northern lights sightings on these cruises around this time of the year?


  16. I was wondering how long does it normally take Blexie to respond to messages? We will be in Havana on Feb. 2nd aboard the Empress of the Seas and I would love to take his tour. I've sent him a message on FB last week and now emailed him yesterday. Should I have tried to book sooner? Does he get full up? I already have a RC excursion booked but I would like to cancel and go with him because I think it would be a much better experience. Any insight is appreciated. Thanks.


    I'm not sure about blexie, my cruise is may 9 on majesty of the seas. I contacted fer tours yesterday by email and he responded to me within an hour. I was concerned with how quickly they fill up, so I went ahead and did it now.

  17. I just booked the tour with fer tours and this is the response I got.

    Hi Holly,

    Thanks for contacting me to plan a Premium tour of Havana.

    FerTours is a 100% private company that employs Cuban tour guides. In our tours you will spend the entire day with a Cuban that will give you a true educational tour on the Cuban culture and way of living. FerTours company is NOT listed among the companies that were listed by OFAC which cannot be used by Americans. Our company has no ties or whatsoever to the Cuban government.

    By taking a tour with us you will be truly supporting the Cuban people and specifically the private sector which is exactly the reason why the latest restrictions were issued in the first place. Our company is a true example of the incipient private sector needed of the support of American tourists.

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