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Posts posted by mdnajmulkarim

  1. We had relatively longe list we wanted to achieve in ~7 hours. I can tell that without Kelly (who was our driver) it would be impossible.

    1. Our ship arrived little earlier and we contacted the agency and Kelly came pretty quickly and we could head off earlier than planned.

    2. Knowing our overall plan he was planning ahead. For example, in Punta Sur he sent to use to the free river ride on time. That ride is every 30 mins and if Kelly were not active we would have lost there 30 minutes.

    3. Similarly, for the beach, he selected the right one which was very beautiful on one hand and aligned with our route on the other hand.

    4. He contacted Pueblo de Miaz ahead so that we could start tour as soon we arrived there.


    He suggested possible skipping of lunch to save time. We would hesitate as that mean he would not have lunch on time either but with his strong suggestion, we were able to save time.

    Overal it was really fun to have this tour with Kelly. I definitely would repeat this. One could do this cheaper (renting a car or hiring taxi upon arrival) but one would miss out a lot for lack of knowledge and definitely will miss real human touch that he provided.

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