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Posts posted by My2Kitties

  1. My hubby and daughter did the dolphin swim and had lunch there and loved it and would do it again for sure...


    Regarding the drink package...you can get a doctors note and send it to them and they will make a decision on only 1 package...I have the same problem and I was told it is on an individual basis...but willing to consider it.

    One a 9 night cruise, I had maybe 3 drinks and 1 glass of wine/champagne...

  2. We had contacted Arlene at the Educulture/Junkanoo Museum ahead of time and went there on our own, not through the ship although the Disney cruise we were on had that excursion (which ended up canceled so we had Arlene all to ourselves). It was a great time, the place is so colorful, and if anyone wants to go, I'd suggest emailing her to see if she'll be open.


    This is the link to our Nassau album in Facebook (public link) if anyone wants to see the Junkanoo pics: https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.10151256341391475.430754.557221474&type=1&l=48361b4bf5 - and me modeling the flamingo headdress from a previous parade.


    thank you for sharing...I will be going there on my next stop in Nassau

  3. Hey, guess what, folks??


    The nature of my "job" (although I am really just a volunteer) with the American Red Cross is that I never know when the phone's going to ring - and I have to grab my bags and go.


    The call came this morning - and wasn't I surprised, though, when I found out I'm NOT going to Hattiesburg, MS - as I thought - but I'm heading up to Manhattan, NY - because Hurricane Sandy is still an issue - and they still need volunteers to relieve volunteers who are finishing up their own deployments.


    So...I'll be flying today or tomorrow...I HOPE to be able to work on this review in the evenings, but I can't guarantee anything...I'm in for a 14-day deployment, so I'll be home...eventually.


    I'll be back...I promise! In the meantime, anyone in NYC that wants to get together sometime, let me know - I'll be there!


    good luck...safe travels Sherri...we will await your return...


    In the center of the ship is the HUGE casino. Seriously, this thing is HUGE. And it’s configured…weird. There are no straight paths for cutting through, which made navigating it difficult at times. You might be asking, “Sherri – why would you have to navigate through the casino?” Good question. I’ll answer that. Sometimes, the Royal Promenade on Deck 5 would be packed – perhaps due to a parade, or a party – and so the ship’s Powers-That-Be ENCOURAGED you to navigate the ship on Deck 4. (You can’t cut through on Deck 3 due to Studio B- the ice rink.) The casino is all twisty and windy and narrow – and smoky – so it’s just not a good place to cut through if you’re attempting to get from one side of the ship to the other. A small complaint, though – nothing major.



    they fixed this on the Oasis/Allure...Studio B has a walkway on either side that takes you into the casino and the casino is broken into 2 sides...smoking and non-smoking...so you can walk thru the casino on the non side if you are a non like me...it is nice to have the choice...and the studio B is not blocking the flow...

    you need to go on one of them and do a review...huge ship but I still love the smaller ships too...

  5. Finished Serenade...started this one...enjoy your writing...


    wish there was a way to surprise my daughter...since she is 28 and works there is no way to surprise her...we try to go away together once a year but she is going to Rome to sail the Navigator on Oct 7 with some friends (I am a tad jealous) so we will do a winter mom/daughter trip...btw, your review was so good I shared it with the girls since they are going to be in Rome, Athens and Turkey and your information is helpful...


    Thank you again...great review!

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