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Posts posted by SmartMoveRobyn

  1. 18 hours ago, RMLincoln said:

    Hello Robyn!  Maureen here, and I am surprised I noticed your post so long after my review.... maybe the Search function is working and that helped you find it.   


    Of all our cruises I think this was at the top!  We especially loved learning about the wide variety of histories of these islands.  I prepared for our cruise by reading Paul Theroux's "The Happy Isles of Oceania."  That is the book that was used for the book group during our cruise, but it is rather lengthy and I'm glad I had a good head start on it.  The discussion group only read selections of it.  It was the book group selection partly because of the cruise itinerary, and partly because they had a lot of extra copies on Amsterdam that were left over from the World Cruise pillow gifts.  I had read on CC about the book from the WC bloggers, so I acquired a used copy (probably from Amazon) well before our cruise.   I found the book fascinating and insightful.  Plus we like to kayak so there was fun in following that element of adventure way beyond our kayaking scope!    


    I'll go back through my review and notes to see if I can remember if there was another book I read, can't think off the top of my head just now but will post again if I find something of use for you.  m--  

    Wow, thanks for the quick reply — I wasn’t even sure you would see it after this much time.


    Thanks for the recommendations on the books in both your posts.  I will start looking for them immediately.  We are so excited about this cruise!  We live aboard our sailboat in the Caribbean Sea, we started this adventure thinking we would circumnavigate and explore the South Pacific on our own boat.  The arrival of grandchildren has changed those plans and we are happy to sail (relatively) close to home.  This cruise fit the bill to keep that dream active and relative.



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