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Posts posted by Pryorwr

  1. Just used them based on the Trip Advisory results. They were unbelievably awesome. We sailed on the Carnival Horizon and wanted a less populated non tourist activity. We took a 5 hour private tour with Con-taro, he spoke Spanish, English and Mayan, we gave him ideals of local food places and he gave us ideas. ( Just FYI, we were originally gonna have Leo but it was changed. Leo only drives a car, we asked for a van because we wanted a lot of room.) It was the best excursion I have ever been on and one of the cheapest. We had a van with only 4 people for 5 hours, price was $400 and that was the tour, each stop admission to places like the ruins, the tips, food, souvenirs for 4 people to see the wild side of the island and experience Cozumel away from the cruise traps. I wont give the names of the places we stopped because I dont want them to ever get to be like Coconuts Bar and rest. We had the most incredible food right on the beach, it was paradise. Our driver was very aware of the time, his clock was set to ship time and he made sure we were back in time. Do your group a favor and just book them.


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