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Posts posted by scottymacscott

  1. I was part of the 12th March cancellation, and completed my preference form on the same day. I received my refund in two parts on 15th and 16th June (I'd used two different payment methods).


    I had raised a dispute with my credit card company, but they hadn't processed it. When I spoke to them they said they had something like 40,000 active disputes and they anticipated it taking 8-12 weeks to deal with it once received.

  2. Hi,


    We cruised from Singapore to Shanghai in March, flying from Manchester via Hong Kong on the way out and the way back.


    When we entered China our (UK) passports were stamped with a 72 hour waiver, and we flew out of Pudong later that day. For all of our calling points the arrival cards and instructions for completing them were supplied in advance by our Cabin Steward.

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