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Posts posted by Ajh1986

  1. Hi All,


    We are sailing out of Rome on 3 Sep so need a supervised test. 

    We will be in Rome for the 2 days prior so need to get a test in a local pharmacy. 

    Has anyone any recommendations? 

    Travelling with some technophobes so going to rule out the video tests.


    Many thanks

  2. I have just returned from our stay on the Seaview.


    The website was unable to store mine or my wife's passport dates, i called the number on the top right of the website and the option for web support.


    The lady i spoke with said that the website was unable to store passport issued/expitry dates and she added them for me and issued/emailed the tickets to me. 


    I did upload a photo onto the website, but as other have said they take this again when onboard anyway. 



  3. it seems like the mobile app was programmed by someone who half knew what was going on as i have managed to check my wife in on this.


    Now just to work out how i get my documents! 



  4. Hello all,


    I am having problems completing web check in.


    I have added all my details and photo fine, go to enter my wife's details and photo, click next and its not saving the photo or passport start or end date.


    I am driving my self crazy have taken all the info out and put it all back in but no joy, tried different browsers and even on a mobile.


    Anyone had any similar problems?


    if i don't do the web check in is this an issue? can i just check in at the port, taking my booking confirmation. 




  5. Hi All,

    I am just planning my onward travel from when we leave our cruise in Civitavecchia.

    I am looking at booking train tickets to Florence via Rome for after our cruise. My question is does anyone know what time they like you to be off the ship by? I understand we will be out our cabin in the morning, but if I book a train for around 2-3pm, would they allow us to stay on board until around 1pm?


  6. Hi All,


    I am considering a cruise on Epic in May and was wondering what people’s views were on smoke and smoking. I have read a number of reviews that due to the layout of the ship and that smoking is allowed in the casino the smoke smell seems to go round the restaurant and the surrounding areas. Also as people are smoking on deck I’ve read that ash and butts end up on balconies?


    We are both non smokers so are sensitive to smoke smell, and find it unpleasant to have the smoke smell around.



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