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Posts posted by Brownchristi66

  1. Okay I’m a little lost with the purse issue. I have meds I have to take with me I also unfortunately the cruise was booked by someone else so it will be that womanly time of the month. Unless your not having the monthly which unfortunately I am and need my meds how can you not have something. Also thank you for the comment on the Walmart bag I have heard so much about Vera Bradley stuff since I’m going on my first cruise sorry but not able to do that . Ross or target has some nice things lol

  2. I’m going on a cruise with my mother and my sisters it is the seven day cruise on the Royal Caribbean oasis of the sea I also have anxiety and don’t get along very well with my sisters I know my mother is just doing Ness to try to help mend our relationship that I am feeling very nervous about going on a cruise first it was supposed to be four days which I thought would be doable that seven days on a cruise has got me feeling really nervous she has booked us a room with a balcony and I’m trying very hard to stay positive because I want To do this for my mother but I’m also worried about my and Syed he and daily with it while I’m on this cruise my biggest worry is not being able to get off that boat if something happens

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