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Posts posted by mnm4ever

  1. Sorry, I totally forgot to follow up on this. As confirmed by others already, no Starbucks on the Indy. I was on it right before the refit, but apparently they didn't add one anyway.


    The Seattle's Best in the promenade is all they have for iced coffee, and yes, it is an iced latte technically. But it was decent, good enough and cheap enough that I got one or two every day and was happy. I can't find my menu picture but IIRC it was like $4 and they will customize it however you want. I didn't even bother with the VIA packets I brought along.

  2. @CruiseGirl your parents combined sound like my mother in law LOL. Shes so loud and complains and makes this face like shes smelling poo all the time, she expects everyone (even us) to wait on her and do everything for her, and she says such completely inappropriate things to people. Like rude stuff, or she will tell people how good looking they are and will touch them even! We have to tell her she cant do that, she says because shes old she can do whatever she wants. Its funny in a way, but pretty embarrassing!


    And she always expects to be included in everything we do, cruises, trips, even like our anniversary vacation she honestly feels we should invite her along! Now we do things with her, but not EVERYTHING! But we have to sneak and lie about going places all the time, which is ridiculous. Do you know how hard it is to hide going on a vacation, just so she doesn't get mad that she wasn't invited??

  3. Yeah I had to chime in here too. Seems like your biggest issue (in all CAPS!) was with profanity in one song. Really??? Do you live in a bubble? Do you think its 1950? That's a great song, and perfectly suited to the environment at the Flowrider. The rest of your issues were really petty and minor, but that's what I would expect from someone who mostly was whining about hearing PROFANITY in music (gasp!!).


    Everywhere you go there are some people who are never going to be satisfied. My mother-in-law is like that... complains about everything, never happy, shes a nightmare to take to dinner or on a cruise. I wont go with her, but my wife and children have. The kids have sworn off ever going again. These are young adults who would rather NOT go on a free cruise than to go with grandma. Your complains sound a lot like hers.

  4. The problem with cheap Walmart water shoes is the liners inside are not sewn in, and they bunch up and fall out in water, very uncomfortable. If you think you might wear them more than once or twice, its worth buying a good brand with the insoles sewn in. I shopped long and hard for mine, as I use them for jet skiing, and Body Glove make some great ones for a good price ($30-ish on Amazon, sometimes under $20 at Dicks). If you only think you will need them a cpl times, then buy some diving booties. They have sewn insoles and very light weight, perfect for beach walking and only around $10 on Amazon.

  5. Thanks for your suggestions! Yes I could just buy two. But with typical inflated cruise prices, they will likely be about $4 each. I hate spending $8 for morning coffee!


    Also pouring hot coffee over ice doesn't make good iced coffee. Iced coffee is double brewed, and then cooled (or cold brewed, which is the best!). That way it doesn't taste watered down. If you take normal single brewed hot coffee and put it over ice, most if not all of the ice will melt within minutes, leaving you with lukewarm watery coffee. Tastes horrible.


    I know I probably sound like such a coffee snob, sorry! I know one thing, I am going to take pictures of all the coffee menus on this ship and make sure they get posted somewhere for the next iced coffee fanatic!

  6. I have a question, I was hoping someone who has sailed on the Independence recently could answer. I have Googled and searched and read everything I can find, no luck on this fairly specific question. I cannot function without my morning iced coffee... yes I know I have a problem. My last cruise was on the Oasis, which has a Starbucks with a normal full menu, I was able to pop down there every morning for my Trenta Iced Coffee and all was well with the world. I need to know if I can do the same on the Independence?


    According to the Royal Caribbean rep I spoke to, they have a Starbucks kiosk with a full menu. But I can't find any proof of this, and I have reason to doubt this is true. It didn't have one 2 yrs ago when my wife went on this ship, and the ship is due for refurb in April, so maybe it will get one then, but not for our March cruise. Google searches turns up results saying I can get coffee, and they serve Starbucks coffee, and they serve a variety of specialty coffees, and many other ships have a Starbucks, and Starbucks is served on some RC ships, the free coffee is good, the free coffee is bad, Starbucks coffee sucks so why would you pay for it, etc etc etc etc. I found a bad picture of the menu from Cafe Promenade, and it appears they serve Starbucks coffee and serve specialty lattes in small cups, but that isn't going to cut it, I dont like hot coffee and I need at least a Venti sized iced coffee with cream, not a 10 oz cafe americano for $5.


    People who dont drink iced coffee arent going to understand this, but those that do will get it. Please help. Does the Independence actually serve Starbucks iced coffee in normal Starbucks large sizes? If not, I will smuggle some in my luggage, its only a 5-day cruise, but I would like to know before risking my clothes being stained by broken coffee bottles!!

  7. I have a question, I was hoping someone who has sailed on the Independence recently could answer. I have Googled and searched and read everything I can find, no luck on this fairly specific question. I cannot function without my morning iced coffee... yes I know I have a problem. :) My last cruise was on the Oasis, which has a Starbucks with a normal full menu, I was able to pop down there every morning for my Trenta Iced Coffee and all was well with the world. I need to know if I can do the same on the Independence?


    According to the Royal Caribbean rep I spoke to, they have a Starbucks kiosk with a full menu. But I can't find any proof of this, and I have reason to doubt this is true. It didn't have one 2 yrs ago when my wife went on this ship, and the ship is due for refurb in April, so maybe it will get one then, but not for our March cruise. Google searches turns up results saying I can get coffee, and they serve Starbucks coffee, and they serve a variety of specialty coffees, and many other ships have a Starbucks, and Starbucks is served on some RC ships, the free coffee is good, the free coffee is bad, Starbucks coffee sucks so why would you pay for it, etc etc etc etc. I found a bad picture of the menu from Cafe Promenade, and it appears they serve Starbucks coffee and serve specialty lattes in small cups, but that isn't going to cut it, I dont like hot coffee and I need at least a Venti sized iced coffee with cream, not a 10 oz cafe americano for $5.


    People who dont drink iced coffee arent going to understand this, but those that do will get it. Please help. Does the Independence actually serve Starbucks iced coffee in normal Starbucks large sizes? If not, I will smuggle some in my luggage, its only a 5-day cruise, but I would like to know before risking my clothes being stained by broken coffee bottles!!

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