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Posts posted by nycruise4

  1. I just got off the ship on Tuesday.


    To address the concerns:

    Having been on many Carnival cruises, I can tell you the casino smoke was the least bad I've seen... much stronger smell on the Pride and Sunshine for sure. And this is coming from someone who has held her nose running through the casino on some other ships. The other smoking areas were in more out of the way locations so I didn't encounter them as much, whereas the lido smoking area has been harder to avoid on other ships. I personally did not notice a pervasive "sewage" smell throughout the ship, although I did smell something of that nature once outside of a stateroom on deck 2 I believe.


    Some positives:

    -Amazing crew and CD (Chris the Flying Scotsman was very funny and his show was amazing. He is quite the singer.)

    -Fastest service I've received at the dining room (had early seating in the Radiance dining room, seemed less large and busy than on other ships)

    -Comedy and Playlist Productions shows were both enjoyable. For those who like to complain, the lack of seating and small spaces can be annoying, but I didn't find those to detract from my experience.

    -Huge Red Frog and great band - often alternated between the Red Frog and the Piano Bar right next to it. The Hip Stars and Scott were both fantastic.


    In summary, for those who love to complain and nitpick, this is not the ship for you. The layout was annoying, yes. Some of the guests were inconsiderate, yes. The refurb did not solve every issue, yes. But personally none of this bothered me because I was too focused on enjoying the food, family, new friends, fast waterslides, great ports, etc. Enjoy your vacation and look on the bright side!


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