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Posts posted by StarOne1

  1. Working in Food Service for years and I swear one of the biggest Urban Legends are "Liquid eggs are fake". People literally demand you crack them some fresh eggs right in front of their eyes. Funny thing to me always been if you really taste the difference why do you need to see them being cracked? Most can't tell the difference. It's a mental thing

    • Like 3
  2. 2 hours ago, coevan said:



    Maybe they should turn the parents away. Do they take their kids to church in shorts and a T shirt? No, why? Because it's not proper or social acceptable. It's 100% the parents fault if the kids are dressed like slobs on Elegant night. Sorry, is it hard putting on long pants, the same way, one leg at a time. 

    But the Bible clearly says "come as you are". No one has EVER been turned away from church based on attire. The only people who are judging is only the people who look forward to these types of days primarily to get fancy and show off when the main point is to worship or in the case of cruising is to mind your business and eat your food

    • Like 2
  3. 47 minutes ago, Joebucks said:

    I like arriving to port about 1. Less likely to stuck in a sea of people from a delay, don't have to pay $100 to get to my room, port isn't congested, and my room is ready. Never understood the allure of two more hours being worth an extra $100.

    Yeah I don't understand the allure of paying that much money just for a couple extra hours neither, luckily though FTTF offers much more than just that 

    • Like 1
  4. People's experiences don't always mean that's how it'll be for everyone else. Me and my gf was on Glory about a year ago and we loved it so much that we're booked for it again this June in the exact same cabin. Bottom line is what one person may see as a deal breaker another may see it as a minor inconvenience compared to the bigger more enjoyable picture

    • Like 1
  5. Why is it that no one wants to admit they lose money in the casino. Everyone is a winner. It’s amazing these casinos don’t go broke with all the winning going on




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    Funny you only chose to quote a small portion of my post instead of the entire post, if you did you would see I said that people try to break the house and end up breaking themselves. They account for the majority of the Casino income, I am a minority. I strike fast and walk away.

  6. To all the people claiming Casinos are for sucker, that is completely untrue. Sure if you try to break the house you're destined to go broke but if you know what you're doing then that's a different story. I personally only play table games, and I was on a Carnival cruise earlier this month and won over $600 in Blackjack and it made it back home. I literally came home with almost the exact money I left with, and that's after shopping and splurging a little.


    BTW I too agree with the OP, there's no way in hell he should of walked away with nothing. What's the point of playing machines if you got to not only hope you win but hope the machine doesn't screw up also. That's a very silly rule that needs to have exceptions

  7. Thanks everyone.


    Yes I'm aware that FTTF is supposed to get priority delivery of their luggage but I keep hearing all these stories where it doesn't work that way all the time. I much rather have a few minutes of inconvience and carry my own things then to have to not only wait for my luggage (I don't feel comfortable wandering the ship knowing my personal property can be sitting unattended) but also have to hope it's not misplaced. So carry-on is definitely the way to go for me

  8. Quick question.


    Are you required to leave all of your luggage with Carnival while embarking on can you carry all of it on the ship with you to avoid having to wait to have it delivered? Or are you only limited to a carry on ?

  9. Nice. I talked to Carnival yesterday and they tried to change my room to the 10th deck, when I asked wouldn't that make me more likely to feel motion? His response was "Lol. No, you're all the way up, far away from the water"...either this guy was ignorant or a liar, either way I told him not to touch my room lol

  10. Havent cruised in a few years and I've never been on Glory, just wondering if any either had this cabin before, a cabin near it or have knoweledge on this area. If so I would love to know if it's a quiet room and a good room overall

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