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Posts posted by Sirwinston

  1. Hello Kim:

    I am back on atkins for two weeks and I have already lost about 9 lbs.

    10 lbs on Atkins in 37 days should be no problem. Just make sure you are really doing Atkins. I am always horrified when someone tells me they went on Atkins and all they ate was bacon and cheese or something like that. Or I am doing atkins but I still eat cookies.

    Read the book if you have not already. The real Atkins book

    written in 2002 "the new diet revolution". Check out sugarfreesheila.com

    Or at least look at the current atkins website. Just beware the current atkins website looks like it is more about selling Bars, Shakes, cookies than anything else.


    Tom in Long Beach

  2. Hello All:

    It has been a rough week for me too. Pink it is so true, when you give into a little sugar it is like it keeps calling to you. I sort of wiped out on this week. But I am back on track. I gave into the seductive just one taste thinking. To be fair I think some people can have just a taste here and there. With us carb addicts it is another storey...

    Good news I am doing good with exercise...


    All for now, Tom

  3. Hello All:


    Kreeb, Jocelyn, Donna, Peaches, thanks for the congrats. :D I feel even better now opting for simple.


    Kreeb: Thanks for that fantastic post about fat cells. Our bodies are complex. We cannot reverse all that abuse as quickly as we wish we could.


    Donna: Sounds like you are handling the D.U.I. well. Hope you cope well with all your stressors...


    Peaches: You have to do what I do and stop and think about what you really want. The bread and desert today, or a future with fitness and better health, possibly a longer life.... As a professional yo yo dieter I know how conflicted a person can get. Stay away from shame and guilt, that will only make things worse. Remember that you deserve health and fitness. But you have to make it happen for you. Every day is like a link in a chain.... Also stay way from addictive foods. Cause "just one" soon becomes one dozen, or one a day, or one of each.... Try to focus on whole foods and find some low carb replacements. Like flax seed pancakes... Or low carb sugar free home made ice cream


    All for now, Tom

  4. Hello All:

    I just wanted to let Jean and the regular girls know that I got married (legal after 14 years of "living in sin") LOL. On Friday 08/08/08. So now Ray and I are legally married (in California). We went to the courthouse. Because we have already been together a long time, do not need toasters, blenders, etc.... And I would rather spend the money on cruising... :D And with no reception, comes no temptation.... :rolleyes:

    All politics aside it is really nice knowing that we will have all the normal rights of being spouses, hospital visiting, property, etc. We have a house, a kid, and a basset hound... So we were pretty married already.


    And I made it to the gym today hurray :D.


    Tom in Long Beach

  5. Hello Gang:

    Happy Monday :eek:.

    Well it is plateaus vill for me :eek:. the darned scale won't budge....


    Oh well I think I have lost 1/4" in a few places. :D


    So slow but sure. My schedule is not allowing me to do the extra exercise I did last year. But I do walk daily.... Looks like I must at least start back to the gym tomorrow...


    All for now, Tom

  6. Hello Everyone:

    Peaches: oh the dreaded aftermath. :eek: I know this all too well. What works so much better is to try to do a low carb subsitute. I know this is easier said than done....

    Pink: I need to get my self to the gym so I am up for a challenge. Perhaps just checking in that we went could be motivation for me. I have been excercising by walking 45 min to 1 hour a day but I know I need weights/machines... I think we could just check in here: Or we could do an "Exercise is not optional on Atkins thread"

    Jocelyn: The fat fast sounds harsh. I think it is dangerous for people who do not need to loose a lot of weight. But I think one day would not harm anyone.

    Cruisefan42: Welcome my best advise is to read "Dr. Atkins new diet revolution". This will really help you understand the why and how of this way of eating. If you want to loose weight try to stick to whole foods. You can loose weight eating one bar or one shake a day as a snack. (or for a meal in a pinch). After induction most peolpe loose 1-3 lbs a week.

    I hope this is helpful.

    Tom in Long Beach

  7. Hello All:

    Jean sounds like you had a nice trip except for the near doggie disaster.

    Donna congrats on the 3 lbs :D. Glad to hear you daughter gets to go on the cruise. I really enjoy cruising with my son. ( I also enjoy cruising w/o him too). But kids add the element of wonder and I think that makes it very cool. I cannot fathom giving up parental rights. Some dads and obliously some moms too...

    Jocelyn: I am seriously with you on the sugar free choclate. I think I have decided that i can only do the occasional homemade treat. Also the sugar alcohols do not work good with me.

    Kreeb: I think you are correct on the yo yo diet thing. That is why I am really trying to make this time a forever one for me. The Dr. hinted at this in "the book".


    I did a perfect induction level day yesturday and have done good today. I have been thinking that I need to do one induction level day a week. So that I am sort of in the mindset. It is so easy for carb creep to set in with me. Also I know I need to work on portion control even with the acceptable foods. Not saying I need to starve myself, but just keep the balance right. I am trying to do 3 small meals and 3 snacks. My days are long and I think this will work good for me.


    All for now, Tom

  8. Welcome Susan:

    15 lbs in 69 days should be do able. I recomend reading the book "Dr. Atkin's new diet revolution" It will really help with food choices. That said try to keep things as whole foods and natural as you can. I have the best weight loss when I do this. Prepackaged stuff tends to stall or slow my weight loss. Also check out sugarfreesheila.com . This is a very helpful web site. Also It helps to cut out diet sodas and limit caffeen.


    Hello Pat: You will love having an aft suite. I loved the one we had on Carnival Pride. Not that I can afford to do that everytime. But it helps having over a year to pay for it. This what I am doing for my 09 Alaska on Carnival Spirit.


    Donna: Sounds great you are drinking more water. Can I dare you to "ditch" the dew ? Perhaps as a two week experiment ? We all have our weaknesses. I struggle with choclate, I become obsessed with it, But I try to keep it sugar free and in control (not everyday). I do blow it from time to time and the scale tells me so by not moving :mad:.

    Maybe try sugar free lemonade made with fresh lemons and splenda (perhaps even soda water or sparkling mineral water ?) Dr. A. Really felt neutra sweet slowed weight loss for many people. The power of the Atkins diet is that you can break addictions.


    Thanks Kreeb: I am always tempted to add more carbs in the form of extra sugar free deserts instead of more veggies :eek:. I am struggling with OWL myself. I really want/need to work the phases better this time so that I will learn how to eat right forever...


    No weight loss for me this week. I know I have "carb kreep" happening.

    So today I am going back to Induction levels for a couple days... I think I blew it with to many nuts, and also a little too much sugar free deserty things...



    Tom in Long Beach

  9. Hello Low carb buddies:

    Hello Pat: I used to have instant coffee creamer everyday. One of the main things in there is corn suryp or something like that. Junk carbs for days... I know it is really hard, but it is really best to give up coffee

    (caffine) on induction. :eek: Induction is all about returning our metabolism to a more natural state. Now adays I use heavy whipping cream or heavy cream. Half in half is O.K. But it is half milk which has lactose which is carb ladden. Also when I am on Atkins I am only taking in a small fraction of the caffine I used to and I feel better and sleep better. I do occasionally have a cup of decafe, with heavy cream, and sometimes splenda. I do get some caffine ( I am in O.W.L) from the occasional sugar free choclate treat.


    Ga Peach: Keep up the good work, I love not feeling bloated. My stomach works so better when I lay off the junk.:D We all have to be on the lookout for the carbs that we let slip by. Things like "little" mints, cough drops, fake coffee creamer. Remember that Dr. Atkins felt that caffine caused cravings for sugar and unstable blood sugar. ( Once again no fun, But if you can break through this wall things will go much better). You are going to have a great trip. S.F. is such a cool city.


    Kreep: I have been walking by my gym almost every day, So like you I have no excuse. I have been lying to myself saying that I will when I get to a certain point on a project. I have been walking though 45 min a day. I need to go back if even for quick 20-30 min workouts combined with walking to and from. That would equal one hour.

    Hello Jean... I like your countdown...


    Tom in Long Beach

  10. Way to go Kreeb :D four real lbs is great.

    Way to go Donna, congrats on "retireing" the pants, Now burn them and never go back.. (less than half kidding). It is so sad so many fathers do not act like "Dads". The real Dad is the one that takes care of the child.


    Jocelyn: Just get back on that horse and ride. I have cheated and am still loosing but I am trying to keep it to an absolute minimum. Pizza is my favorite all time binge food ( next is ice cream). Repeat after me Pizza is evil, Pizza is evil. For me it is evil because it is so hard for me to just have one slice. (and the following cravings). I do make a "pizza" omlette that is induction friendly. All the stuff on a pizza w/o the evil white flour.


    Missbogota: keep it up and walking more should really help. Also I hate to say it but perhaps there is a hidden source of carbs that are sneaking in? Perhaps read the chapter on Induction and the one about Plateus in New Diet Revolution ? If you already have please do not be bugged by my suggestion. Perhaps even one food that is acceptable may not be right for you. (or is being eaten too much, I struggle with this alot myself).

    All that said if you are feeling better that too is a huge bonus..


    All for now, Tom

  11. Hello Donna:

    Congtrats on the 20 lbs way to go :D.

    I really hope your D.D. can go. Traveling with kids can be so much fun.

    How hateful that your x does not even take an active role in the child's life. hopefully it will all work out.


    Hello Jean: You will love the Pride. Perhaps it will work out we can meet up for coffe or something.

    The Pride sails from behind the Queen Mary as you know. As for going from LAX to Long Beach you may want to try super shuttle or one of those. You are not flying in the day of are you ?? Then again N.M is not that far away. A friend just went from LAX to the Queen Mary in a taxi and it only cost $ 65.00 makes the Carnival tranfer not sound like a deal at all.


    Well I am down a solid 15 lbs.. :D One day at a time....


    Tom in Long Beach

  12. Hello Erica:

    Re: Tons of Veggies.... Compared to when I was scarfing down bread,french fries, pasta,and pizza; 3 cups a day (X 7days a week) is a ton of veggies for me. Twenty one cups of salad/ veggies a week. Also after induction you can add more. I think I am around 4-5 cups a day right now. For Induction you should stick to the 3 cups a day.

    Re: no hunger: go with that for now, Make sure to eat acceptable snack/meals. You are swicthed over to fat burning which sort of turns off the normal appitite.

    Re: Weight loss. you may loose 2-3 lbs per day on induction, But it is normal for that to slow to 2-3 lbs a week after. Do not get frustrated. At least it is real weight loss :D

    Kids are cool when they are not working your nerves :cool:.

    Jocelyn: I think all of the major cruise lines have to at least be good. Otherwise they would go out of business. Each has its own stlye and things going for it. Just do not let the lacking of something you enjoyed on one cruise line ruin it for you on another. Example really good tea time on Cunard. Carnival tea time more basic , But I am paying a lot less for the cruise...

    Jean: Long Beach Airport(LGB) is the closest for Port of L.A. and Long Beach. Perhaps the best deals may be to LAX. Carnival sails out of Long Beach. So does the occasional HAL. All the others sail out of "Los Angeles World Port" cruise terminal. (Princess, NCL, RCI, Disney) Also Hal, & Carnival sail out of San Diego. I think RCI may also be sailing out of San Diego.


    All for now,Tom

  13. Hello Pat:

    No I do not eat the chicken bones, But cooking the whole chicken and not just the breast gives more flavor. I love "el pollo loco" :D.

    I find it very true with me too if I cut out the terrible junk carbs my hunger is diminshed. I still get hungry but not as bad. Sort of like how stabilizers on a cruise ship dampen the roll. :rolleyes:

    My weigh in is on Monday so that helps keep me motovated on the weekends. But to be fair I am working so I do not have to deal as much with "boredom" hunger.

    Jean: I keep meaning to tell you that I have really cut back on salt and I can feel a differance. I think I am down 2 more lbs. :D Also I am tasting my food and not just the salt. I found unsalted nuts at "Trader Joes". ( sort of a healthier grocery chain) Aslo unsalted butter and not adding any when cooking.

    Hello Jocelyn: Hope you get over the dizzies.. Also I think people should try different cruise lines, then they will really know which is the best fit. Of coarse I enjoy more upscale, But I love Carnivals value for the money. Especailly when I have to buy three tickets.


    Tom in L.B.

  14. Howdy gang:

    Jean I deserved the joke about the bones. I should have described what I was told my our executive chef that cooking meat with the bones gives some dishes more flavor. Nothing worse than dry chicken.

    Donna: I love Carnival too, But if you can afford it you may want to try Princess just to compare. My last Princess cruise was 1979 so I will be no help here. (But I have been on Cunard which is sort of ran by Princess). I love walking in the morning because it is cool less traffic and I will not talk myself out of it later.

    Kreeb: I totally have the same problem. Once I start eating wrong on a cruise it is very hard for me to put the brakes on when I get home. I know what is best for me. Some people may be able to control bad carb intake but not me. I also find when I am carful on a cruise I actually enjoy my food more w/o feeling stuffed.

    Hi Joycelyn.


    Tom in Long Beach

  15. Hello All:

    Lisa: I have not gotten married yet. But we plan to do a "court house" kind of deal when we do. I think I have decided that I need to be permanently off white flour and sugar. Those are my fire breathing two headed dragon...

    Erica: I have a huge weakness for sweets. I know this is a sign of carbo addiction. I have to cut them out and settle for the occasional homemade sugar free one. Also this go round I have decided that I really must add in tons more veggies and whole foods as I reach goal instead of adding in to many "treats" ( even the sugar free ones). It is tough but I must struggle with what I call reality vs. non reality thinking. non reality thinking is "one won't hurt". Reality thinking says "one will hurt and it may start a binge".

    Pat: I struggle with portions too. I am challenging myself to stay on a time table, and to eat the minium that will keep me from being hungry.

    also the wait a few minutes rule really helps. Also dinking the water and taking fiber Psyillium husk really helps me.

    Hello Jean: So much cool info and congrats on being a Grandparent :D.

    I hope I get to be one someday. (But not too soon)

    Mississippibelle: Welcome, I am sure you know, that you can eat chicken with the fat, skin and bone it it is better for you because you will feel more full. It has more flavor too...


    All for now, Tom

  16. Hello All:

    Pat, 2 lbs, way to go Pat :D.

    Last spring/summer I lost about 30. Starting about November I slowly gained it all back. 100 % my fault for thinking I was smarter than the Dr. and could handle sugar and white flour. Also I got too "busy" to exercise. So I started back mid June and am now down 13+ lbs. So I will be posting new before and after photos when I get near or at my goal.

    I was 200 + on 5'8". My goal is 155-160.

    I am making it a huge focus, this time to not be in a hurry to loose the weight and to make forever changes. A big part of which is my interaction with other people regarding food. This is my third go round on Atkins and I intend to make it stick. I keep going over how I let things slip w/o beating myself up :cool:. I am also focusing on whole foods. With minimum pre packaged stuff.

    Welcome back Kim : nothing more motovating than fat photos. I can lie to myself looking in the mirror more than with a photo..

    Hello Jean: My N.M. friend, My spouse is looking at N.M. magazine and really wants to move there someday. I hope I do not miss the ocean too much when that happens. :(. But it really is the land of enchantment. I will just have to cruise more :cool:.

    All for now, Tom

  17. Welcome Pat:

    Wishing you success on induction. Also read "New Diet Revolution" Understanding the "why" of this diet really helps.:D


    Pink you are so right. I always slip into too much of the good things and then they become bad..:eek:


    All for now, Tom ( Down a total of 13 lbs from restarting mid june) :D :D

  18. Hi Tom, I am still with Atkins. I feel so much better. I'm never changing. I've been goofing up but I'm going to keep on till I get it right.


    I'm going to check that link out and see what's going on. No one can convince me that a low fat diet is ever better. Not how my glucose responded last week when I accidently ate light/or fat free catalina dressing. My glucose levels are wonderful and so is my BP.




    Hello Erica and all: I think we are struggling to "get it right" I know I am. :D


    I know I feel so much better when I cut out sugar (and its evil twin high fructose corn stuff) and flour. I will leave the clothes advise to the girls. :cool: I would only buy one or two new things now for motovation...


    All for now, Tom

  19. Thanks Jean for the link to the article. I heard the storey on the radio but only caught about 1/2 of it. Hello Lisa :D


    BTW went to the Dr. this week My BP was excellent.....

    I can not remember the numbers but the nurse said it was great.


    I told my spouse about the article and all he could do was sort of roll his eyes... At least he was cool about me buying seafood at trader Joes last night...


    All for now, Tom

  20. Hello Jean:

    I had the chinese food after I weighed. Salt does not seem to affect me. I do not use a lot anyway.


    Hello Donna: I would go with the most amidships room for two people. 8272. How did you book ? travel agent, PVP or on-line. Are you prone to motion sickness ? If you did book online it does not show everyroom in inventory.

    If you did book online you could call Carnival and ask if there is more amidships avail. One thing I have found is motion is more of an issue as you go forward. Aft of amidships seems less of a problem. Sorry your boyfriend is no help. Just do what I do and plan the whole trip :D. My better half, save for asking for the time off at work does not seem to care about the trip until the week before. LOL


    Opps I just looked at the plan and 8272 is under the lido. Not good if you like to sleep in..

    It would be better to move to a lower deck than be under the lido.



    All for now, Tom

  21. Hello Erica: hope you are doing well. Watch out for that stress... We all have to get back on that horse... I know you will not give up. I think sugar free gelatin is O.K. but beware neutra sweet. The DR. thought that slows weight loss. Can you still buy unsweetenend and add splenda ?


    All for now, Tom

  22. Hello All:

    Just got back from 6 flags Magic Mountain for son's 13 th B-day. We had a blast and I was pretty good. I had bunless double chese burger for lunch and panda express for dinner. For dinner I traded breaded orange Chic for kung poa with my son and almost completly ignored the noodles ect. They only sell three combos (no subsitutions Please). All had orange chic with lots of breading (can you say high profit/little real food).

    So I ended up with Brocolli Beef and Kung Poa :D. My "treat" for the day was 2 diet cokes. We went on lots of roller coasters. My son brougt a friend and it was GREAT.

    My weigh in this morning was not so great. Only down 1 lb :(. I think I got a little too happy with scoops of old fashioned peanut butter, and home made sugar free choc ice cream. Life is all about balance.


    Hi Jean: Glad you had fun camping


    Hello Pink: As far as your cruise question: It is like this. I find Carnival an excellent value for the money. Cunard and Hal do give you extra touches, but for a price... The QM2 is great. But honestly I really can not afford that all the time especially when you add in airfare... There you go a Caddilac is nicer than a Chevy, But they both get you there...

    I can get a suite on Carnival for what an inside is on Cunard. I sort have come to view all Carnival owned brands as enhanced Carnival on different levels. The food and service I got on Paradise was almost as good as QM2 Britannia for a lot less money. And more fun and cheerful on Paradise. Perhaps if I had been "spoiled" by Princess' or Queen's Grill there would be no going back for me. LOL The Maitre d on QE2 had worked on Fantasy. When I went on Elation I met a crew member who had been on QM2. One big happy family... I just really enjoy being on a ship at sea. Every ship / line has something unique to offer.. Focus on what each ship and or line does well. I could be all bummed out that Carnival does limited / cold items only room service, But that would be a waste of energy. You sould however try QM2 some day when you can get a deal...


    Donna: Way to go booking the Destiny. I can not wait to try one of the bigger Carnival ships when the Splendor comes to Long Beach in March.


    All for now, Tom

  23. Hello Erica:

    I know all about the focus. It is very real. Week before last I had a very stressful night at work. I was really glad I could focus more.

    I am so gald you are feeling better. I am sleeping so much more restfully (if that makes sense) and I seem to need a little less also...

    Keep up the good work..


    Tom in Long Beach

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