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Posts posted by boxedlunch

  1. For everyone suggesting that premiums are going to rise because of a bunch of reimbursed, retail covid tests, please keep in mind that private insurers have had some of their most profitable quarters on record during the pandemic. You can easily google this +  the policy/legislative considerations that are linked to industry profitability. 

    I personally don't see a strong connection to rising premiums, unless the at home covid test reimbursement policy continues long after the pandemic has cooled off and expensive procedures are back to being robustly pursued. 

  2. On 12/27/2021 at 5:22 PM, mrg0433 said:

    I saw a doctor interviewed a few days ago who said omicron particles are so tiny that they will escape masks so most people will b infected and many will never know they had it. Soon they will simply test to see if u have immunity instead of virus. 

    Can someone who understands virology explain how the omicron variant is somehow “smaller” that the other named variants and, therefore, renders cloth masks ineffective? Seems to be more reflective of a change in infectious viral load, no?

    Either way, it’s been N95 and KN95 masks for us since the beginning. Stay safe out there. 

  3. Looks like the Port of Galveston no longer honors complimentary parking for disabled veterans. Rather, they now offer a 15% discount on rates. 

    Not sure what prompted the change, but it seems to go against my (admittedly non-expert) reading of Texas transportation code. Anyone else have any info/clarification on this?

  4. On 8/31/2021 at 7:10 PM, JessyCruises said:

    I find for me surf is usually sufficient as I do not do much video or phone calls.  It allows  me to connect to my VPN without issues and I can access all of my work programs without noticeable lag.  Paul does a lot of video and phone calls and he definitely needs surf and stream.  He said there have been a few times where he has had a bit of lag but normally is is fine.  I had our weekly call with my team last week (audio over Teams) and none of them could tell the difference between the call and what I normally sound like.


    This has been a fantastic thread & thank you for all of the effort you're sharing with the community.

    I know you've already spoken to the wifi situation on-board...could I trouble you to share some latency/download/upload speeds from a speedtest site (like speedtest.net) as well as whether you're using Surf or Stream? Mostly interested in surf speeds...but if you're using stream that'll do.


    *Above and beyond would be multiple tests throughout the day & some info where the tests were accomplished (location on the ship and lat/long). 

  5. 10 hours ago, sford75 said:

    I am on the July 2 sailing of Freedom and we’ve only been told they will be open. I assume limited hours but no information yet.

    I have a YouTube channel (Shannon ford) and will try and do some lives this weekend and will post vlogs next week. I have a 5 year old so the Kids club is. Very important to us 

    I'd also be interested in Babies & Tots scheduling & how the ship handles restrictions/COVID testing for kiddos under 2 years old. Scheduled for the Odyssey sailing on 9/5...wondering how locked down we'll be with an unvaccinated 21 mo old 😕

  6. 1 hour ago, boscobeans said:



    Too bad.

    And the statement that planes are not cruise ships means nothing .


    Cruise ships and cruise terminals with the current restrictions are infinitely safer than airplanes, masks or no masks..


    Many time safer than any of the hundreds of thousands of bars and restaurants where the social distancing and masking restrictions have been eliminated.

    When was the last time you heard about a norovirus or legionnaires outbreak on a flight? I'll give you a hint:

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