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Posts posted by myboatsinwater

  1. 59 minutes ago, fyree39 said:

    Platinum gift Do you like yours or not?


    Here's the thread title.  I'm a bit surprised you're complaining about only one person answering your question when your title asks a different one.


    I don't know about the bag.  


    I gave away our last gift, the blankets, to our grandkids.  They wear them as capes.

    I’m not complaining just the opposite. I like my bag that’s why it it’s not waterproof then I don’t want to ruin it. Some would be like just use and toss. But I like it. 

  2. I’m not sure if the walls are magnetic or not I used tape and tissue fans to decorate my door and our stateroom stewards didn’t mention anything as to taking them off /fire hazard



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    thanks, for the information about the room will take tape as well so your saying that the pool in the back is an adult only? i hope so. we have the cheers and do you know if we can start drinking as soon as we get on board. i'm form Texas and we have that stupid rule about alcohol.

  3. What I did yesterday (that I can remember):

    When I got on the ship I walkedaround a bit and ate a burger and fries from Guy's. Burger was good, and friescould have been great but I didn't like the seasoning. Had dessert at thebuffet (nothing was particularly great except the strawberry pops). Took a spatour, did the foot thing where you get a print, and participated in the sparaffle and was the last person to win a prize ($100 spa credit!). Booked a 50minute massage. Just in case anyone is curious, spa credit can only be used on certaindays and for certain spa services based on the full price (they give you a listyou can choose from). You cannot use it on anything so if there is a specialpackage or you have a day in mind, you are out of luck. In any case, I'm usingit on Ensenada Day as all I want to do there is see the blowhole.



    Next I didthe safety drill and had a little chocolate soft serve from the buffet (wasokay). I really wanted hot chocolate but at nearly every machine was out ofservice. The one that did work, only gave out hot water (you could see all themix on top, but it still wouldn't work). Watched a little of the party thatthey do when the ship departs.I think because of the weather, it affected theinterest of it as they moved it inside. It was your standard cruise ship cornything, but all the workers were very nice and seemed to enjoy it. Went to thecabin briefly to just go online. Wifi was dial up slow, but good enough. I hadhousekeeping also change my 2 twins to a king since I had the cabin to myself,and to change my bedding as I found hair on the sheets (as well as a few longhairs in the shower and in the toilet). They changed it but there were still acouple of hairs on the sheet so I then decided to just shut up about it becauseit would probably happen again (hair freaks me out when in a hotel room). Gotthe chocolate getaway drink from the lobby bar. Was pretty good. Finished ittoo quickly.

    Went to meet up with my group for a talk and mingled with somepeople in it. Changed for dinner at the dining room to meet the group fordinner. Complete mixed experience on that dining experience. Caesar salad hadold lettuce (you know the taste of old lettuce), however, the flat iron steakwas surprisingly very, very good (Carnival knows how to make a steak!). Theynever brought out my iced tea, it took forever to get the entrees as we saw peoplein our group get dessert before most of us got our entrees (not kidding and weall were there around the same time), and the broccoli with my steak waspartially defrosted (and the waiter gave me a potato instead of the whippedpotatoes). Service was terrible, some bad food (at least how it was prepared),but a great steak and tiramisu (hope they have it again). For dessert Iselected a date pudding (was really a partially baked muffin imo and notexactly pudding, and the nutella tiramisu which was excellent).





    Went to roombriefly and then went to watch the 2 comedians that they had. They were betterthan the comedians I have seen before on other cruises. I went because theywere listed as 18 and up, an explicit LOL. A lot of poking fun of people in theaudience and talking about a well known body part of certain men (cause a lotof people to leave!!). I watched from the bar (had a “sex on the stage”….nothingspecial). Thought I would do karaoke but I returned to the cabin to check emailand get to bed (got back to the cabin around midnight….time does fly whencruising).




    It's now 7:15AM. My tentative plans for the day include breakfast buffet, hot tub on Serenity, steam room, possibly going to the gym, get my picture taken with the cruise director for a prize (anyone know what the prize is?), and then need to join my group up for a 2 hour thing. After late lunch maybe use the hot tub again. It's evening night where I'm joining my group for dinner. I then want to see the comedian or karaoke (wish they weren't at or around the same time as I want to do both!), and then do the Quest!.



    Sounds like your having a good time after all.

  4. I don't know if this is bad karma on her end and good karma on my end, but I got an email from the organizer that the girl that I'm supposed to room with canceled.


    I know what you are all thinking that it was me. I have never spoken to her on the phone...only a few emails where I couldn't have been any nicer (I wouldn't go out of my way to be rude to someone who I am sharing a room with for 3 days...I just felt the girl was inconsiderate about our arrangement).


    how do you P M someone?

  5. If your sleeping schedule aligns might work. If not could be rough. I wouldn’t chance it on cost for extended weekend cruise. My sleep would be worth double at that fare pricing point for sure.


    I just got back from an 8 day cruise where part of our group of 10 included 2 people who shared a room that didn’t know each other. They each knew someone that knew each other. I can tell you one of them said at the end she would never do it again. You never know what someone’s personality might be like and how annoying it could be to have to share a small space with them even for short periods. Sounds like a ggamble at best and I’m not much of a gambler....



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    i think you should at least try and meet and set you expectations when rooming with someone. you will never be a perfect match but you can compromise.

  6. I was going to let it slide. I think everyone knew what the OP meant when asking about the walls being magnetic.


    But since you felt that we needed clarification, let's clarify.


    Not all metals are attracted to magnets. Only ferrous metals (those containing a significant amount of iron). Non ferrous metals like aluminum, copper, zinc, gold, silver etc. don't react to magnets at all.

    So if a ships wall were made of aluminum for instance, they'd still be metal but not able to attract a magnet.


    thank you, the walls did not want to connect to the magnets that i had brought on board. and were very strong magnets.

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