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Posts posted by Orangeskull

  1. So I wanted to add a conclusion to those that might still might be following this thread. After two emails "unanswered" and a phone call that ended up with nothing good, I decided to expand my outreach to individuals that might be slightly more concerned with how Carnival was reacting to customer service deficiency's. I sent out one further email to all of the board of directors of Carnival and tagged all of the Carnival officers.


    It took about 15 minutes before I received an email from the director of customer service. She politely ask me to respond with a specific time to which she could call me and discuss my concerns. I setup a time for the next morning. After about a 25 minute conversation she was in complete agreement that not only did Carnival drop the ball they could have and should have done so much more to have made this trip a success. "I know that statement alone will shock many who posted on this thread that Carnival handle the situation appropriately." She was very concern, showed empathy and quite frankly shocked at how we were treated. She informed me that she wanted to discuss the issue further with her boss and she would call me back shortly. She did indeed call back within the hour and advise me that Carnival was requesting a do-over with our trip. Were going to wipe the slate clean and start fresh. So Carnival has given us a full credit towards a new cruise with them.


    Quite frankly it was way more then I expected but after hearing our plight she thought it was the correct move. So yes it was a challenge and took almost two months to get resolution and going way up the food chain, Carnival finally took care of us. My wife and myself will give Carnival a second go and hope that memories created on this second trip will wipe out the nightmares of the first one. :D

  2. Okay. Let me start by saying thanks to the individuals that really seemed to show empathy to our plight and understand the frustration that was endured. Some of you have offered sound advice for future travels, thank you. To the others let me try to answer your questions.

    1. Sorry I didn't understand or did not read anywhere that my first post in Cruise Critic was supposed to be a glowing review of a ship, my bad.

    2. Yes a complete stranger did give my wife a bathing suit and in fact her daughter gave her the flip flops she was wearing at the time. Not sure what purpose or implied goal I would have to make that up.

    3. Carnival has compensated you with discounts on clothing at their store. Again Carnival did not even wish to open their store for us until we left the first port. They made no offer. I had to go through 4 customer service agents and wait 45 min until a white suit arrived to have them open the store and that was done very reluctantly. My wife was able to obtain a pair of shorts, a t-shirt and an ill-fitting bathing suit. The ship stores do not carry underwear.

    4. They found your luggage, whats the problem? They found nothing. My luggage pops up the night before the trip is to end. Could it have been in another room? Possible. I'm more inclined to think that as the ship was preparing for debarkation and items are being shifted around in the hold my wife's bag shows up. As stated our room steward knew nothing, his co-workers knew nothing, their supervisor knew nothing and security knew nothing. Its rather hard to give them credit when no one knows or sees anything. If some jerk had it, would they really risk taking it out of their room and bringing to ours with the aspect of getting caught with it?

    5. What do you expect from Carnival, a free cruise? No I don't expect a free cruise. Right now I would rather have a letter from from Mickey Arson stating were sorry and we have failed you on this trip. It could have been handled better, we could have done more for your wife...excursions, spa treatments. You shouldn't have had to go thru so many people to get something done. We should have gone out of our way to make the trip better. You shouldn't have had to wait for 45 min for a supervisor to show up. We shouldn't have waited until the 4th day of the cruise to send out a letter to the other guests. Yes we are a big company, yes we make mistakes but we need to have a better plan in place for these unfortunate events.

    6. Did Carnival give you money. Yes they did. They gave my wife $200 dollars to try and purchase items from the islands. As stated we were able to find underwear on our 5th day of the cruise. Did they offer up the money easily? No they didnt. I had to fight for that also.

    7. Your wife could have washed out her underwear in the sink. Yes that was done. Didnt really think I needed to state that up front in regards to Carnivals failure but there you are.

    8. Yes our luggage had all of its tags on it, including the Carnival tags. Nothing had been removed. As far as we can tell the suitcase also had not been tampered with or open based on the locations of the items packed.

    9. Your wife was inconvenienced get over it! Not really sure how to even address that one. Your statement says more about you then me.


    In any case, no I'm not someone who is going to camp out here and post a lot. It just seemed like a good forum to make others aware of what to expect from Carnival customer service. Essentially nothing.


    Again Thanks to those of you that offered concerns and genuine helpful advice. May all of your future trips be carefree and enjoyable. As far as me and mine we will look elsewhere to spend our money and time.

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  3. That’s even a little dramatic for me, but I’ll be fair and ask you what it is you’d like Carnival to do at this point. What are you asking them for?


    At the end of the day I realize this is a massive company and in the grand scheme of things we are a small gnat to which they care nothing about. I would have like to seen a more genuine effort on their part to make the trip more successful. We had to fight for everything. Nothing was given. I had to go thru 4 people to get the ship store open. I had to insist on getting laundry tickets. I had to demand they send a note out to the cabins. I had to go up the chain to get money on our account so my wife could go purchase items. They offered nothing throughout the trip. 20% off was a joke. I mean hell 30 minutes after leaving the boat we get a generic text from Carnival telling us if we book another cruise within the next seven days we will get 20% off. This could have been handle so much better. Offer my wife spa treatments on the boat. Offer her an excursion. I guess now I would really like to see something on their part that says hey this could have been done better, here is what we are offering to entice you to come back.

  4. Now that your cruise is over, I know it's kind of pointless to ask this, but, by any chance, did you ask your cabin steward (or anyone in housekeeping) to be on the lookout for your missing luggage?


    Oh yeah we would ask him every morning and night. I also walked every floor and every staircase looking for the bag. Our steward did seem very concerned over the matter.

  5. Actually we have seen this happen twice.


    Someone gets luggage not belonging to them and stupidly stashes the luggage under their bed.


    Once or twice the cruise line sent out a note with a picture of the lost luggage asking if anyone had seen it.


    I wonder if Carnival did do this at least?


    BTW cannot believe people actually flamed the OP for doing absolutely nothing wrong.


    We actually requested they send something out on the 2nd morning of the cruise and they stated they would do so. They did but it wasn't until the 4th day of the cruise.

  6. I have a question for Orangeskull. When your luggage was finally found and delivered to you, were your Carnival tags still attached to them? I'm guessing they were, or your bags wouldn't have been delivered to your cabin. I'm inclined to agree with others that your bags were stashed in someone else's cabin, for whatever reason. If that's so, I'm not sure what Carnival could do about it, beyond what was offered.


    Yes the tags were in fact there and upon opening the suitcase it did not appear that anything had been moved or tampered with. It is possible somebody was being a jerk, I guess our main issue was the genuine apathy of their customer service. Everything obtained from them was a fight.

  7. So this is your first post here. Welcome. I'm sorry your wife had to deal with that but why in the hell would she wear the same underwear for 5 days???


    Brother, which part of no luggage did you not understand? They don't sell underwear on the boat. We didnt hit a stop till the 5th day where she could purchase any. So during the day she would wear the bathing suit given to her by a stranger then at night she either had to wear that one pair of underwear or go commando. *The ship did offer to laundered the underwear to which we did take advantage of.

  8. Sailed on the Carnival Conquest March 31st 2018 Case# LFLI-SB-CQ-04012018-1


    So I have held off a month on writing this review to give Carnival a fair chance in retaining a customer and actually making an attempt at customer service. First trip with Carnival and the crew loses my wife's luggage. My wife has the clothes on her back and that's it. We approached the customer service desk and advise of our situation. "We had waited six hours before we went down." The individuals at the desk gave us there best step-ford wife's smile and told us to be patient, they were still delivering luggage. Went back down at 10pm, advise of the same thing, no change. I ask the young man "Tulan" what was my wife to do being that our first stop is in the morning? Tulan stated they could open the ship store for us at 4:30 pm to obtain some additional clothing. I advise Tulan that the ship is supposed to leave port at 3:30pm how would that help? Thankfully an unknown kind stranger who was in the lobby heard what was going on and the sobbing of my wife and she gave her a swimsuit, yes a complete stranger helped my wife, not Carnival.


    We finally were able to get someone in management who started to try to help. She offered us a credit to start buying clothes onshore. First stop private island, no stores. Second stop, all stores closed due to Easter. Third stop, which was our 5th day we made it to Curacao. So instead of enjoying the island my wife spent her time trying to find underwear and a bra being that she was now wearing the same underwear for 5 days? So the day was spent searching for ill fitting clothes to just finish the trip out. No fine dining for us. No going out to the clubs.


    So on the final night of our trip as everyone is putting their luggage out to be picked up to go onshore what pops up at our door at 10pm. Yep, my wife's luggage. Our porter had no idea where it came from. Security stated they had no idea where it was and customer no help could tell us nothing either. So yes my wife's luggage was on the ship the entire time. So the ship offered us a 20% discount to come back, yep 20%. We told them that was insulting at best. We sent an email to customer service, we received no reply. We called them one week later and the young lady while nice said there was nothing else they could do. To quote her "Carnival moves a lot of people, and luggage gets lost, it's a part of doing business." Yes, she really said that. She then went on to say its too bad the luggage showed up on the last day because she could have done more for us. Insane.


    So now we sent another letter to the Carnival CEO and that was over a week ago and still nothing. So this is our first and last trip with Carnival and now that they have decided they don't care about us, I'm now making it known what kind of business this is. Second honeymoon absolutely destroyed by an uncaring, thoughtless company with no sense of ownership. :mad:

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