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Posts posted by SunshineTravel3

  1. Everyone is different. We'll each drink 3 or more water bottles each day (we like sparkling and each drink 2L+ each day at home compliments of Soda Stream so we don't waste bottles). We're also more likely to have a good morning coffee before breakfast as we are often up before the sun. Juice and soda will be hit or miss. We've also decided to try at least one new drink each day this trip. Finally, we won't have to think about it - and that's worth a few bucks to us as well. Again to each their own - with the initial thought of my post being to consider all drink options, not just the alcoholic ones, when considering a package. When you put it all together if it doesn't make sense - don't do it. For us - it works.

  2. Your prices are close enough and the list provided should help. The key is what do you drink. If you're a beer drinker, it takes more to breakeven, if your drinking call cocktails and frozen drinks the tab runs up faster. Do you like to try new drinks or do you stick with the same thing?


    We're still debating on a package for our cruise next year... Can someone help out with the prices I've compiled?


    Water - $3

    Soda - $4

    Beer - $6 - $8


    Are the above correct? I'm still unsure about the below...


    Wine by glass (white and sparkling) - ?

    Mimosa - ?

    Cocktails - ?

    Bionic Bar Drinks - ?

  3. I know this is one of those much talked about topics, but just a little added side spin. For our needs, the RCCL alcohol package would be breakeven at best. While others often speak of the inclusion of non-alcoholic beverages, few put them into their calculations when determining breakeven.


    Most posts say 5-8 alcoholic drinks a day, but if you have a couple bottles of water each day, and a morning cappuccino with fresh juice at breakfast your already at $10-$15 a day. Throw in a soda and after dinner espresso and your at $20.


    We'll typically have a pre-dinner cocktail, a glass or two of wine with dinner, and a night-cap at a show or bar. On sea days, we'll often add a couple of poolside margaritas. Even when discounted, we sometimes wouldn't breakeven. But we typically add several waters, at least one specialty coffee and an occasional fresh squeezed juice or soda each day. With that we normally end up on the plus side of breakeven.


    In addition to the convenience, the fun comes in for us when we "try drinks". Without the beverage package, paying $12-$13 for something that sounds delicious, but in reality isn't after trying it can be painful. With the beverage package try as many different drinks as you want without the register continuing to ring! Who knows, you might even find your own new "drink of the day" to make when you get home. Even going to Vintages becomes more palatable when you pay $8 for a $20 glass of wine you don't like. There's also no guilt felt in leaving that warm 1/2 beer at the pool without finishing it.


    It isn't cheap, but for us more convenient - even if not "heavy" drinkers. It does help make it more of a vacation without needing to count bar receipts each night.

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