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Posts posted by SaltyBeard

  1. Well this has certainly been informative, especially since this will be our first cruise. I guess based on all the unanimous feedback, we won't worry about finding each other's whereabouts. I will say however in response for all the comments about it being "a really small ship", point of view is everything. Prior to this all our at-sea experience is in boats in the 35' to 60' range where all you need to do to communicate is shout. From my POV, the Insignia at 600' is a big ship.


    Regarding the door decoration topic, never heard of these before. I don't want to sound judgmental but it doesn't sound like something we would ever do. That's just our personal bias, speaking of which....


    I think what you're seeing here is some personal bias being put out as what some people want it to be, not what really is. A lot like the dress code threads.

    I'm really curious about this. Other than the "country club casual" line in the Oceania brochures and a few pictures in same, not much to go on. Seems like this may be a more nuanced topic than I originally thought. I've been assuming (perhaps naively) that there are some minimal expectations for dinner but that during the day I can wander around in sandals, shorts, and a Grateful Dead t-shirt and nobody would bat an eye. Care to elucidate on how folks dress on Insignia or point me to the relevant threads?

  2. Thanks to all for the feedback. The idea of wandering around without a network umbilical will take some getting use to (a throwback to those days of long ago) but it does sound appealing.


    I'm curious where you saw on a cruise ship you can access to normal cell service. You could connect to the ship and that goes out via satellite. $0.25 per text is very inexpensive on a pay per text basis. My cell provider alone will charge me ~ $0.50 per text

    My assumption is that if both shipboard phones are connected to the ship's cellular node then intra-ship texting would work.

  3. My wife and I are going on our 1st cruise in a couple of weeks on the Insignia. One thing that we are trying to figure out is if we can text each other while on-board and if so, what is the cost. The info packet from Oceania mentions "free unlimited wifi" via Wavenet but with a limit of only 1 device at a time. The WIFi upgrade packages don't interest us as we dont intend to be streaming Netflix which is what they seem to oriented on. I also get the impression that we would have access to normal cellular service (i.e., SMS) while at sea at a cost of $0.25/msg. Can anyone clarify the options?

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