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Posts posted by cocksparra

  1. Hi, we had the same problem. Went on and checked what other cabins were available then contacted my TA. Cabin was changed within 2-3 hours. We went from deck 15 to 11 on Seaside

  2. Just off Seaside Sat 9th Feb. Went to all the theatre shows. The production cannot be faulted neither can the artists performing, there were a couple of opera songs ( but not high) sung in Italian. There was a different named show every night but it became clear that they all revolved around the same format which became a little boring to me as you knew you were going to get a song and then a circus act then a song then a couple of circus acts, in all the weeks shows only the M. J. show had the fewest Circus acts. As I said they were all first class performers and had standing ovations most nights. A word if you are doing B2B the shows are EXACTLY the same the second week. Had a very enjoyable cruise there were good points and bad ones too but as has been stated many times it is subjective. Go and enjoy. My drinks package the old Deluxe was no problem, got everything.

  3. Hi....to add other people to your dining, go to Web Check in where it says Add More click, If you have filled in your details "Next Step" will highlight...enter and you will see at the bottom of page the box to enter Booking number and Cabin number of additional guests.


    But as Sidari says you must be on the same drinks package. Hope this helps



    By inserting an additional booking number/cabin number you will be able to...
    Booking number
    Cabin number
  4. 7 minutes ago, citizenfrank said:

    That is good news & fair for anyone splashing out cash well in advance, it is an insult to deny them. But this pill is now hard to swallow. I will seek revenge through breaking the alcoholic record on beer, spirits & cocktails! Poor health choice but gelato & milkshake are not any better in reality lol

    lol........go for it!!!!

  5. I was asked to change password which I did, it worked for 3 days allowing me access to all my details. Then guess what?....yes today was asked to sign in again but no further than email page and then a notice to say contact them. So I contacted them...reply was...."We are having problems wait til Monday as there is a big update to our web page on Sunday"...So will wait and see.

  6. Hi, first time post. This might be posted elsewhere but there's a lot to go through. I am booked on Deck 15 cabin 215 and was wondering if anyone stayed in or near it under the canopy of Deck 16. Could you tell me if the canopy juts out to put the cabin in shade all day?


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