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Posts posted by DrSeuss

  1. Amen.


    We'll have our Gratuities prepaid on the next 2 cruises, and have no intention whatsoever to recind them.


    So just to clarify if for example you recieve poor service from your cabin attendant for example (no compass delivered, bins not emptied, towels not replaced, dirty things from last guest, hardly saw them to mention these things) you would still reward that lack of service with a tip? :confused:

  2. I would like to see the daily tips become non-removable!! Then those who are cheap will either have to pay the tips or not cruise with Royal Caribbean.


    I disagree with this - i am tipping for receiving good service and if I do not feel that i am getting this service why should I smile and reward them with money that I have worked hard to earn. If your job is to provide good customer service and you need tips to supplement your income then do just that - make me feel that I want to reward you. I have cruised 9 times and only once ( on a disney ship ) did i ask for my cabin attendants tips to be credited back.


    Why - no introduction/welcome, dirty socks (not mine)under the bed, flip flops in the cupboard, old bottles of alchol (empty) under the couch, 7 days out of 11 had to get my own compass, asked for a dressing gown told to ring housekeeping myself, childs bed not put away, no toilet roll etc etc


    So in that case really should i have tipped? :confused:

  3. Certainly! Here's the info Irie Tours sent me prior to the cruise:


    First we drive over the Juliana Bridge, where you will have a great view of Willemstad. Then we pass through the old Jewish neighborhood, you will see all the old Jewish Mansions that are being restored. We also visit the Curacao Liquor distillery, here you can see how the ‘Blue Curacao’ is made and taste the different flavors. After the distillery we go to the Spanish water area, which is a beautiful residential area in the Spanish Water Bay. The last stop will be at the Curacao Sea Aquarium Beach, we stay here for 1 hour. The tour starts at 3:00pm LOCAL TIME.


    Like many others, we wouldn't have minded skipping the distillery to allow for more time at Sea Aquarium Beach. All you do there is sample some of the liquers (chocolate was our favorite!) and then make purchases if you'd like. It's also a place to use the restroom if needed. We never saw any of the Blue Curacao that they are so famous for. :(


    For $20, it's a GREAT tour! Very informative and scenic.




    I am not sure thats Sonnys tour in Aruba! Might consider it for my next day thou you may have saved me some research time!

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