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Posts posted by michaelacaterina

  1. I'm reading a lot of complaints online about Freestyle, but it is working for me. I guess it just depends on 1) whether you like the zero point foods and 2) whether you can control zero point food portions.


    Anyway, I'm now down 6 of the 12 pounds I wanted to get off by December 5. I'm pretty sure I'll be able to make it to my goal. I've joined an exercise challenge on a FB group for Lifetimers for the month of October, I'm hoping that will help me stick to my goals. Oh and part of that is trying to build up an at-home yoga practice. I'm going to be on the ship for 5 months and need a fall back source of exercise for days at sea!

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  2. Sail Girl, that is really impressive. I hope I am able to follow your example with on board eating!


    I did the same thing with my WW goal. My official WW goal was 2 pounds below the maximum to get into the Healthy BMI range. I kept going for another 14 pounds. So when I returned last month after 16 months off, I had gained 12, but was still at goal. I paid for one week but now have the tracker and meetings for free to get that 12 pounds off. 4 down, 8 to go!


    I leave on December 5th so I'm pretty confident I'll make it.

  3. Did I read right? You’re going to be on a ship for 5 months? Or you are going in 5 months?


    You read me right, I'm leaving in 3 months and will be on the ship for 5 months. I arrive in Athens on 12/5 and will be home again on 4/24!!! I am so excited I am hardly able to sit still. I'm doing the Aegean Odyssey's "Grand Odyssey" through Road Scholar, Athens to Athens.

  4. OK, I weighed in this morning after following Freestyle religiously for 2 weeks. Down 2.8 pounds! That's pretty funny because when I originally lost 30 pounds with WW 2 years ago, my average was 1.4 pounds a week.


    I am really liking Freestyle, even more than the old Smart Points. It's been easy to fall into the groove of mostly zero point foods and figuring out which foods with points are worth including. I was out of town for a few days and cooking and eating with an old friend. I figured out one morning that 1/2 bottle of wine was 11 SP, so I "zero pointed" breakfast and lunch and happily split a bottle with my friend at dinner.


    I'm going to be on a ship for 5 months starting in December. It's a smallish ship so no "walking the deck" for exercise, I guess I can run the stairs? And it will be interesting to see how many zero point foods are regularly available. I'm not intending to follow Freestyle closely while on board but hopefully I can keep it in mind!

  5. I’m going in to a meeting as soon as I lose a bit more so they can weigh me and I won’t have to pay any more.


    Thanks for the welcome Gorgie. I calculated correctly and when I went in today I only had to pay one weekly fee for missing the last 16 months! I am exactly at my goal. But when I had initially lost I'd gone down another 12 lbs and I want that off again before my 12/1 departure. It should be very doable. And the "game" of WW will help the time pass more quickly.


    I'm excited to try Freestyle, it seems even healthier than the original Smartpoints program. I find I eat much more healthily on WW, even better than when I'm tracking calories and losing. I'll make a run to Trader Joe's in the morning to set myself up for success.

  6. Hi all, I just dropped by for some inspiration. I'm a lifetime WW member but haven't gone to a meeting or tracked for about a year. I have a cruise coming up in December and would like to drop about 10 pounds before then So I'm going to a meeting tomorrow to learn about the new program and to jump back on the wagon.


    It sounds like many of you are doing amazingly well, congratulations!! I'm going to hang out here (as well as on the WW site) to see if your determination and success rubs off.



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