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Posts posted by Rob5russell

  1. Who do you think is to blame and why? Was it the person who jumped, SOLAS who requires that they search for the person or NCL?

    I was also on the cruise. I felt the Captain did a great job of keeping us notified of everything that was going on, that was until we docked. But, I am sure he was dealing with the Italian Police at that time. I ask what could they have done differently? They did have phones for passengers to use to rebook flights. Unfortunately, they didn’t have 100s of phones. They did offer 15 additional minutes of Internet. I couldn’t find that though on my phone. I honestly think there were 3 things they could have done. Instead of notifying us at 6am, they could have done it earlier so passengers could have rebooked flights. Or they could have given us unlimited WiFi so passengers could rebook. Or they could have done the unthinkable and watched the video and saw that she jumped and wanted to go overboard and just left her there. We all know they weren’t going to leave her there. Is it NCL fault 500 plus missed their flights? No, but the process could have been handled better. I don’t feel anyone should be reimbursed for their cruise or flights from NCL. But, if we can all jump on a class action against the jumper I am in.

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