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Posts posted by Bellinghamgreg

  1. There were two groups of kids from Canada on the Christmas Cruise in the Mediterranean in December,1976: one from Saskatoon, Saskatchewan and the other ( mine) from Kamloops , British Columbia.

    Ports of call included Brindisi, Italy, Delphi, Greece, Hafia ( Nazareth, Jerusalem, Bethlehem, Turkey, Athens, Island of Kios and Malta.)

    Great trip - Great memories, whether that was meeting girls from England and Australia, touring the countries and even getting mugged in a bar in Athens by the owner, bouncer and his four prostitutes - as a 15 year old it was scary but I learned a lot from that experience.:'),.Easy to laugh at now:-) If anyone reads this I would like to know the name of this one song that they played every night at the disco/dance that ended the evening. It was an English band and they gave us the record when we left the ship but over time it got lost with most everything else we own. Hope to hear about other peoples experiences from that time.

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